Ideally, Gundam + video games should equal awesome every time. Unfortunately, there's a lot to be desired in Gundam's vast library of games. A lot of them are hit-or-miss, and the ones that are worth mentioning are often Japan-only. How is a fan to discern what's good and bad in this confusion? Well, I'm here to recommend to you the top 5 games you should start with as a Gundam and video game fan. Western and Japanese releases are both included, as there wouldn't be much of a list without the Japanese games. If you have any recommendations of your own, feel free to share them in the comments below!
5. Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
This is one of my personal favorites, and definitely one of the best Gundam experiences on the PS2 and among US released games. This isn't saying much because most Gundam games available on consoles are sub-par at best, but I believe this is the best of that lot. The main thing I love is that it features hours of remastered footage from several UC Gundam anime. There's also plenty of new, remade footage for the original Mobile Suit Gundam as well. It's one of the fullest story experiences, and that's why I like Encounters in Space so much.

The main story mode covers the third Mobile Suit Gundam movie, which is also called Encounters in Space. There is a mode called Ace Pilot, which is a campaign mode for the most famous ace pilots in the UC timeline like Char Aznable, Kou Uraki, Shin Matsunaga, and Anavel Gato. This mode offers some pretty interesting looks into stories that are rarely covered by games, like the Blue Destiny side-story. Along with this abundance of story modes, you have a selection of basically every UC mobile suit in existence. There are also some bonus units, like the Wing Zero Custom and the Strike Gundam.

Gameplay is pretty typical of Gundam games; pretty much every battle takes place in space so you are always in flight. While this doesn't sound very exciting, movement is surprisingly smooth and it works, even if it isn't remarkable or ground-breaking. In the end, Encounters in Space offers a lot in terms of fan service and just enough in terms of gameplay. You can't miss it if you are a Gundam fan and own a PS2, and you won't be disappointed as long as you don't expect anything outstanding.
4. Gundam Battle Universe

The PSP has an excellent lineup of Gundam games for it, and while there are a handful of them, Gundam Battle Universe stands out as the best in its series (even superior to its sequel). After dealing with the mediocre console games for years, I was pleasantly surprised when I gave this a try. The gameplay is fun and responsive, considering you have limited jump and boost movement. You can execute special attacks, and some mobile suits have a unique set of weaponry. You can even equip certain abilities for each unit.
Battle Universe has a comprehensive story mode that covers pretty much every period in the U.C. timeline. Though, the highlight is that it features over 200 U.C. mobile suits, including some rarely seen Gundams like the Hi-nu Gundam and the
Ξ Gundam from Hathaway's Flash. The graphics are excellent as well, so this is basically a Gundam fan paradise. Within the category of story-based Gundam games with a large selection of playable mobile suits, Gundam Battle Universe is about as good as it gets.
3. SD Gundam Generation series

The SD Gundam Generation series is an extremely long running series of strategy games that has been on almost every major console and handheld that has come out. As a Gundam game, it has been a mainstay for over a decade. If you haven't played any of the games, it's probably because these games are rarely available in English. Fortunately, there isn't much to read, as it is a pretty straight-forward strategy game that hasn't changed much since its debut. So now, you're probably wondering what makes this series so special.

Honestly, it's not the gameplay. There's nothing particularly exciting or ground-breaking about its strategy gameplay. As a fan, I'd have to say that the main allure of this series is its incredible fan service. It is the dream mash-up every Gundam fan craves. The games usually feature almost all of the most popular Gundam series, and give you access to all of your favorite mobile suits. With this, the SD Gundam Generation series can flaunt its best feature, which are the epic attack animations that make each battle explosive and exciting. Check the video below to see what I mean. As a Gundam game, it certainly gets the "Gundam" part done right.
2. Gundam Wing - Endless Duel

Endless Duel is an old-school 2D fighting game for the SNES, and one the first Gundam games I ever played. It is also one of the best Gundam games I have ever played to this day. It features a Street Fighter-based combo system that gets frantically fast-paced when played at a high level. I've been a fighting game fanatic for years, and I can safely say that this is definitely an excellent fighting game, even by mainstream standards. It is also gold for Wing fans, as it is based on the Gundam Wing series.

The graphics are colorful and vibrant, and each Gundam's sprite is well-made and nicely animated. The soundtrack is excellent as well; each theme sounds like something right out of the anime and it really gives off that Gundam Wing feel that fans would enjoy. Fans will also appreciate the character roster; it features every notable mobile suit from the series. I'm aware of the Battle Assault series, but as a fighting gamer, I have to say that those games are a mess and impossible to play competitively. Endless Duel, on the other hand, can be played competitively and is loads of fun. Even if you don't like the Wing series, there's little reason not to give this a try.
1. Gundam Vs. Gundam series
The main problem with most Gundam games is the gameplay; they can't seem to shake that generic, bland fly-and-shoot gameplay. Well, here is the solution to that problem. The Gundam Vs. games are a series of arcade fighting games that finally put the fun in controlling a Gundam. While the control scheme will remind you of the Gundam Battle series, there is a combo system that allows for some pretty competitive play. Coupled with a dash mechanism, each match can get pretty hectic and will require the utmost skill to win. Finally, we have a Gundam game that requires skill, and has competitive replay value.

The most notable entries at the moment are Gundam vs. Gundam Next Plus and Gundam: Extreme Vs. While they are Japan-only, they are worth the import. The games feature a nice selection of all the most popular mobile suits from every major Gundam series. Each unit is unique in their special attacks and combos, so don't be expecting identical play from every Gundam. Gundam Vs. is everything we love about Gundam games. You get to play as your favorite Gundam, the gameplay is actually fun, and you can play it over and over again for good reason. Surely, this is the game that finally got it right.