Alright so it's been awhile, but here I am with updates so blow me.
HG 1/144 00 Gundam

These pictures are pretty old, I'm sure there are pictures of the finished, colored version. Whatever, feast your eyes on the first model kit for the 00 Gundam series' signature Gundam, the 00 Gundam. Due awhile. I don't know, honestly.
HCM-Pro 00 Gundam

Models and figures of the 00 Gundam are already coming out, and the second season hasn't even started yet! They sure are going all out with the marketing. Well, the sooner the better. This is the HCM-Pro of the 00 Gundam. The proportions look a little weird when compared to the images of the 00 model kits, but oh well, its an HCM-Pro. Coming out in September.
HCM-Pro Cherubim Gundam

And along with the 00 Gundam, we have the Cherubim Gundam, the Dynames clone. Whatever, I just hope it kicks as much ass in the anime. Due out in November (long way to go).
Plamo Updates...rather delayed...