
Monday, June 25, 2012

Top 5 Wings in Gundam

Confused? Well, ever since the Alternate Universe series' started getting more and more over the top, there has been a noticeably increased presence of flashy backpacks and wings. While most Universal Century machines had simple backpacks with two or four thrusters, these newer designs have ridiculously fancy wings that serve no other purpose than to look awesome. And that's what this list will be running down: the most impressive-looking wings in the Gundam metaseries.

5.  Quad-Wing (Kshatriya)

I didn't think I could find anything from the U.C. era that had over-the-top wings, but luckily the Unicorn OVA has some incredible designs. My favorite among them is the Kshatriya, which wreaked absolute havoc in its introduction. Its special features are its massive shoulder binders, which have mega particle cannons, funnels, and miniature arms with beam sabers stored within them. The epicness of the Kshatriya is owed to these wings, which is why the Federation forces start calling it the "Quad Wing". There's no denying the power and stylishness of wings that are almost bigger than the mobile suit itself.

4.  Satellite System (Double X)

Ah, the forgotten Gundam. The Double X is one of the most under-rated designs in the entire Gundam multiverse. This is largely due to the fact that the Gundam X anime is under-rated in general. It's a shame really. The Double X is an impressive design, and its wings have a lot to do with that. They serve a significant purpose; the wings are actually solar panels that absorb microwaves in order to charge its Twin Satellite Cannon. The golden glow they give off signal some of the most epic moments in Gundam X, which is why they're deserving of this four spot on the list.

3.  Wings of Light (Destiny Gundam)

Say what you want about Seed Destiny; it had some of the best designs to come out of the Alternate Universes. Out of all the mobile suits, I feel that the Destiny Gundam is the most under-rated as it always gets overshadowed by the more popular Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. Well, in terms of over-the-top wings, Destiny has them all beat. Called the Wings of Light, they mostly serve as an advanced thruster, but they also have the ability to leave after-images to confuse the enemy. Though of course, their real reason for existing is the fact that they are ridiculously flashy. They make for some great eye-candy, and an impressive Master Grade model kit!

2.  Moonlight Butterfly (Turn A Gundam)

Presenting the much-talked about leader of the Top 5 Most Powerful Gundam list. The Moonlight Butterfly is the Turn A Gundam's signature feature and weapon. Once these luminescent wings are activated, nanomachines are released that turn technologies into sand. These wings are basically the most powerful weapons in the entire Gundam universe, and are pretty stylish too despite being butterfly wings. It would be an insult not to include the world-ending Moonlight Butterfly.

1.  Angel Wings (Wing Zero Custom)

These are the wings that influenced me to create this list. The Wing Zero Custom has always been one of my favorite designs, and is definitely one of the most popular designs in the Gundam fan community. One would think that these gigantic angel wings are a bit too over-the-top, but that's actually what makes them so great. You just have to suspend your belief and appreciate how incredibly stylish they are. Instead of the traditional wings on the anime version, these angel wings have thrusters hidden all over its "feathers". While they don't serve a real purpose (besides atmospheric re-entry), Wing Zero's angel wings are definitely the most impressive looking wings in the Gundam metaverse.

Yeah, I realize I'm pretty biased towards my favorite Gundam considering I also chose it for the Top 5 Big Guns in Gundam list, but as I've said countless times, these are just my opinions, so you're free to disagree~

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. Destiny's Wings of Light is basically a modernized, less-functional version of V2's Wings of Light, but yeah, if we're speaking strictly only about visual, I'll agree that Destiny's better.

    Wing Zero Customs... its wings, AFAIK, only has a single function besides holding the thrusters, which is atmospheric re-entry. I tend to joke to my friends, saying "You know, I bet Wing Gundam Zero Custom is PETA's most hated Gundam. I mean, think about how many goose was skinned to make those wings! Not to mention lots of them fell off every time it flaps its wings!" XD

    1. Yeah I was considering the V2, as it is a pioneer in wings, but as you said this IS a list for the visual aspect so I decided not too~

  2. how about god gundam's ring of fire in his back?? LOL!

  3. I somehow never thought of Kshatriya's binders as wings, which seem more like petals to me. Interesting list though!

    1. I had to sort of bend the usual logic to add that one. Though yeah, like I said, I see them as wings even though they're not really.

  4. Quite agree with this, although I must digress on the Double X; just feels a bit too bulky. The X looks a lot better, especially at flight mode (Just goes to show that even the older models outshine the mid-season upgrades...)

    BTW, how about giving special mentions to other suits that have unique wings of their own (i.e. Deathscythe Hell (OVA type), V2 Gundam, hell, even those suits with Remote weapons for wings... XD)

    P.S. How about the top 5 Beam Saber (or their derivatives) Placements?

    1. Lol dang, I actually put the X before I changed it to the Double X. Though the main reason was because the Double X's wings seemed more like wings than the X's, which kind of just lean towards the shoulder. But yeah, in general I like the X over the Double X.

      The Deathscythe Hell Custom and V2 Gundam were both very close to making the list, the former because I wanted to keep it one per series. Though special mentions might be interesting.

      I was considering the Beam Saber Placements cause you mentioned it a long time ago, but I didn't really know how to make an interesting list out of it or really rank each entry. I'll still consider it, however :)

    2. Well, I knew it would not work that way, so an alternative would be the top 5 blade-wielding Gundams (Suits which look and ARE badass with blades, swords, beam sabers, and whatnot)

  5. WTH with the destiny. The original "Hikari no Tsubasa" should featuring V2! The greatest gundam design ever!!!

    1. As I said in the reply to the first comment, I debated between the V2 and Destiny. I had to go with the Destiny because this list is based solely on looks, not impact or influence.

  6. Freedom Gundam's wing design is my favorite.

  7. Not sure if this counts, but the missile wing things on the Palace Athene are quite epic... I mean, they're MISSILES!!

  8. But still, pretty much completely agree with this list...

  9. Hey host, can you add top 5 of most fast speed of MS and character captain of warship?

  10. how about age-2-normals wings... they're pretty badass - like clean cut versions of the kshatriya


  12. wing zero custom= gayest gundam crap ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Well nobody asked you, and MOST people do not agree with you.

  13. gundam deathscythe hell custom's black devil wings were pretty awesome too

  14. what? You picked a poorly designed crap destiny gundam over victory 2?

    the design is so bad that it doesnt make any sense at all. Here, check this video of the legitimate reasons why destiny is shit.

    1. The intro does say for looks not function. V2's blue/pink mono color cant compare to Destiny's rainbow wings in terms of looks.
