
Friday, June 22, 2012

4 Mobile Suits That Need Master Grades

This isn't an official Gundam Top 5 list (its not even five), it's basically just my own personal wishlist. Basically, there are a ton of forgotten Gundam mobile suits that have yet to be given a Master Grade treatment despite being awesome designs. These are some of the design I believe deserve a MG immediately.

4. Akatsuki Gundam

While I'm not a fan of the Gundam in general, I think the design looks amazing in plastic model form. Why? Mainly because it is a shiny gold color. The no-grade 1/100 model still looks pretty amazing, and is probably the best you can get at the moment. So I was just thinking of how great a master grade would look if the no-grade already looks good!

Likelihood: 1.5/5

3. Tallgeese

The Tallgeese has always been a personal favorite of mine, mainly for the sleek white design and the fact that it was an underdog during Gundam Wing. The Tallgeese definitely has not been treated well in terms of gunpla. It never got a legitimate 1/100 scale release. Instead, the 1/100 Tallgeese III kit gave you parts to convert it into the Tallgeese I or II. Of course, you were left to re-color all the necessary parts yourself, so there just is no way for a casual fan to get a proper model of the Tallgeese. It's long overdue, but I think the chances are slim that it will get a Master Grade at this point in time.

Likelihood: 1/5

2. Heavyarms Custom

Another favorite of mine, the Heavyarms Custom is simply epic. The overkill arsenal of weapons, the sexy dark blue color scheme, that kooky clown mask, I love everything about it. This is one Gundam that has a relatively high chance of getting a MG. Recently, all of the original Wing Gundams got Katoki version MG's. Even the Deathscythe Hell Custom got a MG. The Heavyarms Custom definitely needs one too! The no-grade 1/100 is actually pretty impressive, but of course, it has aged severely.

Likelihood: 3/5

1. Gundam Double X

Ah, the Double X. One of the most underrated and forgotten Gundams ever. Gundam X in general gets tossed aside pretty often despite having some interesting designs. The old Gundam X line of model kits were actually the first models I ever bought as a kid, and I'm disappointed that they never really got any attention. The new HG releases of the X and X Divider are pretty damn impressive, but none of the X designs have a Master Grade yet. What better than the Double X?

Likelihood: 2/5

These are my personal favorites; what mobile suits would you like to see in glorious Master Grade form?


  1. I personally am not into MG gunpla, but of the 4 MS that you listed I agree that Heavyarms Custom is the one that is most likely to materalise.

    X, X Divider, and DX are pretty overlooked and left out, and even an interview from some Bandai staff last year indicated that they are unlikely to happen. It's also worth mentioning that MG Kshatriya and PG Unicorn are also unlikely to happen as well.

    As for Akatsuki, even though some people call it a copy of Hyaku Shiki I think it's good on its own too. What's more is that the NG 1/100 is compatible with Striker Packs from the MG Strike(s). :o

  2. Quite agree with all of them; they do deserve a lot more love.

    Still there are some consolations:

    - With the advent of the MG Heavyarms EW type, the HAC EW is not far behind; and
    - The tallgeese will be getting the HGAC treatment along with the Wing (As to which design, dunno...)

    1. Yeah I just did some research and apparently the HGAC's are coming, but apparently its a rumor for now? Don't really know, it's hard to keep track of things now that Ngee Khiong is gone...

    2. We still have Gundam Guy, Gunjap, and a whole lot of other gunpla bloggers out there, so there's no slack on the updates. Sort of...

  3. Ngee Khiong left a lot of links on his final post so that readers can continue to look for news and updates. I think that with the availability of Internet these days it just as Zeon_Two_Six has said it shouldn't be as hard to obtain information compared to, say, 10 years ago.

  4. I've been trying to check up on Gundam Guy everyday but I don't's lacking. I still use it to keep up to date but it just isn't always relevant gunpla news.

    1. Though, I also don't care about all the new model kits coming out because I'm not watching AGE...

  5. IMO, Gundam X and Double X really, REALLY needs an MG treatment. I mean, the suits from AGE quickly received MG treatment, but for GX & DX, nooooo. Also, where's MG Reborns!?

  6. THIS JUST IN! The boffins at Bandai just announced THIS!

  7. No no no!! What we need is the Victory 2 and RX-124 Gundam TR-6 (Advanced Woundwort Ex) in master grade! They are the victoria's secret angels of gundam!

    1. Kshatriya and delta kai gundam would also be nice in mg too

    2. Bandai did try to make a MG Kshatriya but it fell apart under its own weight.

    3. Aww... Maybe use screws and metal parts for the... Wings/shields/whatever they are.

      I'm surprised that suits from advance of zeta aren't getting any mg treatment. They have the most unique and interesting designs in the entire franchise.

      Many people believe that the V2 and delta kai are coming out this year so I hope Bandai pleases its fans and releases them instead of making a billion releases of strike gundam and those retarded looking suits from age.
