
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thoughts on Gundam 00

This is the one I've been waiting for. What are your thoughts on Gundam 00? I remember being thoroughly entertained through the first season, and though the quality of the show dipped considerably by the second season, I still would not say that 00 is a complete miss. We were treated to high-def animation and explosive battle sequences, which were definitely the highlight of this very recent series.

Of course, the U.C. community looks at 00 like they do every AU series: it's just another abortion of a Gundam series that can't possibly compare to the classics. All-bishounen casts were as prominent as usual, and the power-ups became so over the top and unbelievable that the series bordered on super robot territory. The villains were weak and forgettable, and the plot became less and less appealing with its convoluted Innovator nonsense. 

Though, that's just what some people say. There are newer fans who obviously love the series, and see it as an entertaining romp nonetheless. What do you say about Gundam 00? Was it worthy of its place in the Gundam metaseries?


  1. As someone who has seen all of Gundam, my only real complaint for 00 is that it felt rushed and underdeveloped in many ways not because it didn't have a story to tell but that it lacked the time (or episodes) to do so. For example, the opening scene in season 1 ep 1 could easily have been the basis for an entire series focusing on the solar power wars yet as soon as the opening credits are done we skip forward 10 or so years to the main setting of season 1. Again, as soon as audiences were getting accustomed to world of season 1, we skip forward another 4 years to the main setting in season 2. Its the same with the movie which felt like it was taking place in the far future. It's understandable why audiences would find the change jarring when there isn't enough time or material to fill in the gaps.

    Now with that said, I don't believe 00 is as terrible as some people say. In fact I really liked progression of the story and characters throughout both seasons and the movie. To me the story felt consistent, rushed perhaps, but it hit the right beats of having a clear beginning, middle and end, which is more than I can say for shows like Destiny or Age which felt like it didn't know where it wanted to go. The show certainly ended in a very different place from where it began and opinions will continue to be divided on the choices leading up to that but for me it felt right, not in the sense that it satisfied everything I come to expect from Gundam, but right in the sense that it managed to provide a pretty interesting answer to "what if" Zeon Deikun's theory about newtypes actually worked.

    Overall, 00 isn't my favourite Gundam show and it doesn't hold up next the sheer scope and richness of characters in Universal Century shows but it was certainly an interesting departure from the traditional concept of Gundam and I don't regret watching it. I'm confident the show will get better with time.

    1. Good points, I pretty much agree with you on all your points. It was my thought exactly that it should have been the way it was in the beginning. That it why I was so awed by the first episode. That's why I mentioned that the series took a nasty turn by the second season. It really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, which is why I'm curious to see what people really think.

    2. I know a lot of people bash 00 season 2 as some sort of abomination to the greatness that is season 1 but I honestly don't see it. The change in tone actually happened around episode 13 of season 1 (confirmed by the director in a DVD extra) because of how badly the show was received in Japan. The creators probably had pressure from Sunrise to change the show to be more like the shonen action style of Seed which was (and still is) very popular.

      While I wasn't too happy the presentation changed, I think the story more or less went as planned which is why I find it difficult hate 00 like I would say, Destiny or Age which I feel sacrificed too much of its original intent. Funny, 00 reminds me of X which was very similar to Wing visually (which I hated) but went in a different direction with its story (which I liked).

  2. I actually liked both seasons of Gundam 00. The first season was better for me, but the 2nd one wasn't too bad either. There were some mobile suit designs that I really liked, like the Gadessa.

    But I'm an open person when it comes to Gundam, in the sense that I don't compare one series to another and take it for what it is which is probably why I'm able to like a good amount of Gundam series and movies.

    Then again, I totally hated the Gundam 00 movie. God, that was horrible mess.

  3. 00 made me want to buy the model kits. In that respect I'd say it succeeded a Gundam series lol.

    1. I honestly can't argue with that logic lol.

    2. I'll say. I love the hg 00 Raiser. Even if i didn't like 00 (I myself personally like it a great deal, both seasons although season 1 had more politics), that alone would shave cheered me up. The only gundam that can do the splits!

  4. I feel that Gundam 00 was a great anime series, as well as a good Gundam show.

  5. Gundam 00 is an interesting series to watch. I do like the political background settings it set up early in the first season, but pace was a little slow, and realising the slow pace, the studio drops the settings away and rushed the story a bit. A lot of that is only filled in side stories. That is a bit of a pity in my opinion.

    The shift in story and settings between first and second season, as well as that between 2nd season and the movie can be quite big jumps too. We have different superpowers that we can relate to our real world, then we have a unified government with pseudo-newtypes-wannabes lurking in the shadows, then alien invasion. Not too easy to swallow there.

    Mecha designs are relatively radical. It can be an interesting change to the usual ones we see on UC, bar a few exceptions (like Zeta).

    Too bad my sister finds it a bit forgettable. I think we don't have enough memorable scenes or things that leave us enough lasting impressions. Gundam 00 could do with a bit more airing time, and perhaps more connectiosn among story arcs etc.

    1. I agree what 00 desperately needed was more time. Because it was split into 2 seasons a lot of the story felt disjointed and the characters weren't properly fleshed out. I blame the success of Code Geass for forcing this on the show which should have got a full 50 episode run like every other Gundam series.

  6. Gundam 00 is so far my favorite in the series. Because it have unique features than other any gundam. Innovators is non-human is very interest idea and their goal make human become innovator on Earth without conflict.

  7. I noticed something very interesting. Everytime Kati is in charge of a battle, grunts become much more effective. Compare to the fat guy from a-laws who was losing dozens of units each sortie. Dunno if its intentional but it's a nice touch.

  8. If there is 1 thing that people can agree on about 00, it's that Ali al-Saachez is epic. One of the few characters who enjoys fighting and murder whilst actually remaining completely self-aware and sane.
