
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top 5 Most Annoying Gundam Characters

I've already honored some of the best characters in the Gundam universe, but one will find that there is actually a disproportionately higher number of annoying characters that clone themselves and spread out to every Gundam series. From whiny, emo boys, to shrieking psychotic bitches, Gundam has been host to countless intolerably annoying characters. This list is comprised of my opinions, and the opinions of the general fan populace. Get ready for some serious hating...

*Disclaimer: This list no longer reflects my views. It is very old and I do not plan on updating it. I don't actually hate Gundam Seed, and I never have. This list was mainly made for laughs. This is for people who are still stumbling upon this list and complaining.*

5. Kamille Bidan 

He does go on to become a psychic badass, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he was a stubborn little prick during the first half of Zeta Gundam. He runs around screaming about how everybody makes fun of his girly name, and kicks the shit out of people for it. This is definitely rather machismo, but who the fuck does he think he is. He's openly defiant about every law that ordinary people don't seem to mind following, and repeatedly steals mobile suits to go out and fight when everybody seems to yell at him for it. And does he feel sorry? Noo, he just whines and screams like a child. Ugh, and he's a nail-biter too. Thank god he ends up awesome as he grows.

4. Relena Peacecraft

"Peace everybody! We must stop fighting and embrace peace!" she says, in the middle of a battle between two GIANT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. I get it, she's a pacifist. But god damn it, she doesn't change a god damn thing, and ends up meddling in the main characters' affairs WAY too often. Heero would have been way more successful with his "missions" if she wasn't always in his face about things that DO NOT CONCERN HER. There are countless giant robots all over the world, waging destructive war on land, air, and sea. But she seems content with yelling about peace all by her lonesome. If only she didn't have that smug attitude, thinking she was the only one that was thinking clearly, she might have been a little more tolerable. "But we must resolve this peacefu-"
Silence, Relena. Men are talking.

3. Nena Trinity

I'm no sexist, but why is it always the women...anyway...Nena Trinity was as annoying as she was psychotic. She starts her tenure in Gundam 00 by leaving a very bad taste in our mouths: by killing a whole bunch of innocent people. This immediately got her no love at all and for the rest of her presence in the story. Eventually, she's just a meddlesome little brat that serves to get on everyone's nerves, and is UNFORTUNATELY the longest lasting Throne pilot. Just like most of the other characters on this list, Nena is impulsive, immature, and disgustingly sadistic in her juvenile rage. She's really just the worst of the worst breed. And just like a lot of the other impulsive characters to come, she gets what she had coming...

2.  Quess Paraya
~~~~~~~~~~ Do you know what the first sentence of her Gundam Wiki page says? It goes: "Quess is selfish, stubborn, emotionally sensitive, sociopathic, intelligent, manipulative charmer, naive, and love obsessed." How deliciously insulting is that introduction? It's right on every account, though. Quess is pretty much the pinnacle of the spoiled, stubborn, attention-whore archetype, and meddles with some serious business during Char's Counterattack. She acts completely on emotions, which happen to resemble an unstable 5 year old's. What this girl needs, is a good old-fashioned Bright slap.

She's driven by a stupid crush on Amuro, but immediately defects to Neo-Zeon when she turns her attention to Char. Notice how stupidly easy that decision was for her? This is a SERIOUS war, and she's fucking around like the boss's spoiled bitch of a daughter that no one says anything to because she's the boss's daughter. Not to mention her voice is a shrieking mess of Shut the Fuck up. She's really only worth anything because of her inherent newtype abilities. I'm sure fans everywhere expressed a sigh of relief when she finally died during the movie.

1. The Cast of Gundam SEED

I actually considered picking people out of this cast of assholes, but I just couldn't without making this whole list dedicated to Gundam Seed. So, here they are, clumped up into one big clusterfuck. The cast of Gundam Seed was without a doubt the biggest collection of whiny anime archetypes in the history of Gundam. Man, where do I even start...

First and foremost, is protagonist Kira Yamato. He is essentially a clone of Amuro Ray, but doesn't end up nearly as badass and whines a hell of a lot more, amazingly enough. This was the male version of Relena Peacecraft. He is reluctantly taken aboard the Archangel, and takes the position of the "WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING?! PLEASE STOP FIGHTING! STOP! AAAGH!!" douchebag. It's a war, get a grip and shut the fuck up.

Next we have the infamous Flay, a favorite among Gundam HATE. Flay isn't a classic whiner; she's notorious for being a psychotic bitch. She has an almost racist fear of Coordinators, and spouts putrid hate towards them like an angry Christian girl in an evolutionary biology class. She even manipulated and HAD SEX with Kira to make him do her bidding. Talk about crazy whores. Her death was very shocking and sudden, but it only took a few seconds for most fans to realize that...she kind of had it coming.

And of course, we have Seed Destiny's protagonist, Shinn Asuka. I can honestly say, I prefer Kira to this thunder-cunt. Shinn is basically Kira, but with a dash of irrational, impulsive insanity. He's visibly shaken up by the death of his family, and hates absolutely everyone for it. His unstable emotions make him a really weak protagonist, and we actually see the developers cop out and replace him with Kira and Athrun at the mid-way point of the series. How amazing is that? Even the developers thought he was so annoying, that they had to bring back their former heroes to kick his ass. Nobody disagreed with this decision, and he really does end up getting his ass kicked in the final battle. That's what happens when you are an impulsive little prick, Shinn.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. How about that Rosamia bitch from Zeta?God, I couldn't stand her. She was a retard six year old creepily inhabiting an adults body with hysterical phobias of EVERYTHING, a downright unsettling delusion that Kamile was her brother, and nonsensically violent fits where she hops in a mobile suit and starts shooting whoevers on her side. And she cries pretty much every 5 minutes. She was pretty much batshit insane.

  2. Kira and athrun actually aren't half bad. Kagali is good too. the only real annoying ones were Flay, Shin Aska, Ray Zaburel- who is NOTHING like kira-, and fake lacus. oh, don't forget stella.

    1. I agree and why a dumb comment about Kira being a somewhat clone of Amuro Ray. And also, I think you should have added Lalah w, e her name was. She was so freaking annoying and weak. Amuro Ray was also a whinny badass, who cries about everything.

    2. Are you asking why I said Kira is an Amuro Ray? Because he is, this is a fact not an opinion. Gundam Seed was made as a modern remake of the original Mobile Suit Gundam. Kira is Amuro's counterpart, thus him being a clone. They're not identical characters, but the fact is they're meant to be counterparts.

    3. :O how was stella annoyin

    4. did you forget the incident where stella destroyed three cities and killed almost everyone there, that's why and it's also annoying that her death is prettier than those she killed

    5. Anyone think that Setsuna is a clone of Heero? Also, If gundam seed is a remake of the original mobile suit gundam than why the fuck didn't they just update the original like they did with Space Battleship Yamato

  3. the problem with Shinn was that the set up for his character development was all there. Sure he was a douche, but so was alot of gundam leads, But he was an interesting character the could have made the series better. Some people say that Shinn wasn't never going to be the main lead but wouldn't that make Destiny more pointless than it already was. Why invest so much time on a new cast only to have them tossed out for an old main character that goes through no character developments and goes through no internal conflicts, and just steamrolls everybody in combat. And don't get started on Athrun who goes through the same character arc he did in seed.

  4. Actually Here is a summary of the cast of seed, Kira:"SSSSTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP" While shooting down a whole battlefield of assholes. Shinn: Read Kamille and times him by 10, Athrun: Define repeat, Flay: Define Psychotisch whore.

    1. for the record, kira only shot them down not kill them

  5. Also, dosen't everyone in this list needs the all mighty BRIGHT SLAP?

    1. Same thing for a lot of the cast throughout the Gundam series with Amuro and Heero. He was a whinny bitch and wrapped around that, what ever her name is, finger about peace and redemption.

    2. Funny how Camille actually got more than just a Bright slap and look, he turned into a badass as the show went on.

      'Correction' helps alot.

  6. Replies
    1. More importantly: WHERE IS RECCOA ????

  7. I'm surprised to see that Marina Ismail is not in the list, She's just as annoying as Relena, and on top of that She is useless as a leader, a whiner, crylady and a weakling who only knows how to sing that would distract Setsuna's fight

    Where is Saji? i can't believe the author likes him more than Kira, he's just your typical hyprocrite selfish man who only cares on his own world and never cared if his actions could take the lives of the innocent.

    Listing the entire cast of Seed only makes this list one of those Seed-haters that has been floating around for ages. also it seems like the author never watched Seed after getting fed up with the next 30 episodes of seeing Kira's reluctance and whinning.

    1. I found Marina to be a Relena rip-off, so I didn't really see a need to put her on the list.

      Saji definitely wasn't a likeable character in the least, but there was also no reason to hate him. It's mostly indifference for me. He was in the background, basically there for no reason. That's why he really didn't irk me.

      Sure there's plenty of SEED hate, but I actually really didn't hate Seed. I actually got really into it and liked it when it came out. Watched the entire series twice. But looking back now, after becoming a bit weary of the shounen genre archetypes, I can't really help but be annoyed by the cast of Seed. No offense, they just really weren't a likeable bunch.

    2. How the hell was Saiji in the background? He and Louise stole like 35% of the screen time in the first season and at least 45% of the screen time in the 2nd season. Every damn time he showed up he was whining and bitching and crying and pissing and moaning. He didn't get better, not one single bit. He was just there to cry out to his stupid scrappy girlfriend so she wouldn't get killed off for all the crap she had pulled.

      But you know what the worst part was? It wasn't that she died or that Saiji was pointless... No, the worst part about the whole thing was that nobody really gave her a "you suck speech" and told her how wrong she was and what a little c*** she was. Yeah, go murder some people and help make everyone in the world suffer... that's make your dead parents proud.

  8. You forgot Lacus, and here's why she deserves on the list:

    *Lacus is THE example of a Canon Sue. Chiaki Morosawa (the head writer of GSD) was rumored to have cosplayed as her. There's a reason why fans refer to her as "Virgin Mary Clyne" as a counterpart to Kira's "Jesus Yamato".

    As for the Relena comment, I'm guessing that you've never understood her character.

  9. 100 percent agree with this list I hated bitches screaming aloud to someone, begging that he must kill her. I hated whiny, emo and angsty protagonists and acts highly to his superiors. I hated shits that come up with the pacifistic ideas while fighting. But you know what? I fucking hated the likes of someone putting alien fuck ideas in the likes of els and bringing the idea of collaborating pokemon+digimon+inazuma eleven in gundam. And that is the fuck*ng creator of age..... >__<

    1. While I wouldn't put it that extremely...I do agree lol

  10. There another new annoying chatarcter from Gundam Age is Desil Galette. He enjoying into war and didn't care anyone. He killed Yurin L'Ciel. I hate him.

  11. ルーシェ ステラJune 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM

    If Kira n Shinn are both annoying
    でも、what am I? -0-・
    I realized that lots of people dislike Shinn ><
    Im still wondering why?
    Even my baby bro does hate Shinn so much...
    He always says he looks like a crow......

  12. Desil? Is that the devil midget kid? Dah...... I was dissappointed flit did not kill him. I hated asem because he gets the gundam rather than a true ace pilot... It makes me think that army in age universe has some goddamn favoritism coz flit is the fleet general just necause he's an amuro clone in Age universe well less whiny i think...... (WTF????!!! Even amuro is only a liutenant in CCA) and a boy who disobeys orders TWICE gets the gundam. I hated Flit because he gave his grandson a fucking video game so that he can practice kicking Vagan Ass.... Yet he's not contented with Asemu despite the fact he had gone MIA. He's suppose to learn a lesson from war. He lost yurin, asem and fought the war himself. "You can be a captain or nobody, you die when your luck runs out"- Bernie. Ofcourse, he knows what that goddamn horrors of war mean? "War is hell" right? You're not suppose to encourage your grandson to go outhere and bring their Vagan heads for me. Maybe he's confident on his grandson's thick and excessive plot armor :)

    happy birthday flit!!!

  13. Yay for seed as number one, of course in this context

  14. It's a war, get a grip and shut the fuck up. Let's put you into a real war and see how you fare.

  15. Totally agree about Seed. I get the feeling that Shinn was supposed to be a Kamille clone, except the creators forgot that Kamille actually gets better...

    1. Lol, and this is precisely why his character fell so flat. He never developed, and by the mid-way point they just bring back Kira/Athrun. What a mess...

    2. putting Kamille in a coma *was* an improvement

  16. Actually, only reason I kept watching Destiny was because I was waiting for Shinn to get his comeuppance... came too late though and wasn't satisfying enough.

  17. Yeah I dunno...I actually think Gundam 00 have a bigger cast of cunts then Seed but hey, that's just me.

    1. Season 2. Andrei, Ribbons and Innovades, A-LAWS, "Marie", Lockon 2, Marina Ismail, Saji, Louise.

      Andrei-A wacko who killed Sergei. That was not warranted. All because of some fanboy obsession over his mom.

      Ribbons-Wimp. Acts really smug and lacks that charisma and intelligence to back it up.

      Innovades/A-LAWS-Innovades lacked sufficient character and explanation. The A-LAWS were like the Titans from Zeta Gundam except more outlandish.

      Marie-A supposed peaceful counterpart to Soma. It turned Soma from badass normal to a pacifist wimp.

      Lockon 2-Way to similar to previous Lockon.

      Marina-Stupid ruler. Was unable to properly rule her country. Is all that she is useful for is singing peace songs and taking care of kids?

      Saji-Whiny Shinji.


  18. u forgot to add kaitz from z gundam he is by far the most loud mouth character in all the UC he barely listens he always talks back and does what he wants instead of whats necessary in time of war his facial expression is annoying as fuck id wanna beat the shit out of that kid myself blahhhhhhhhhh

    1. i agree Katz was annoying, and pathetic. Even his death was pathetic

  19. ....No, Flay did NOT have it coming, because you conveniently left out that she had CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and CHANGED her racist, manipulative whore ways prior to her death.

  20. got my heart broken because seed is number one, but its true.. still one of my fave gundam series :)

  21. I really hated seed destiny. I mean, does it have any original ideas or something? The Turn A, G, X, Unicorn, 00, F91 and victory managed to do it, why not destiny? I know its a remake of the old UC but at least they should have come up with original mech designs..... Anyway, I agree on your list. :)

    1. Honestly though, all mechs after the UC era, are based on other mechs in Gundam, its kinda like a trademark for them to do that. Nothing new about that.

  22. Narrowing it down to just five must've been really tough, there are so many to choose from... Well okay, you kinda cheated with #1 but I don't blame you.

    If there had been 10 or 15 slots, would Kou and Nina have made it to the list? Those two alone kept 0083 from being great, in my opinion.

    1. Lol it was pretty hard, the only reason I was able to complete this list was because I cheated with #1 as you said.

      I actually didn't have any problem with Kou and Nina. Kou was kind of incompetent but he didn't irk me nearly as much as other Gundam protagonists (Judeau, Kamille, Shinn). I thoroughly enjoyed 0083 despite these two characters, maybe because the plot, action, and villains made up for it.

  23. Your analysis of SEED is off.
    Kira was fine in SEED but then went downhill in Destiny because Morosawa is a Japanese version of Meyer.
    Flay was annoying but anyone with even the slightest ability to emphasize with others would realize that she wasn't insane and was something cool in the plot.
    Shinn was annoying but that's because fans bitched about wanting JESUS YAMATO back and then he wasn't allowed to develop.

    If you TRULY want to have annoying SEED characters on the list, you only really have two to chose from: Athrun Zala and Lacus Clyne, period.

    1. I agree that Kira, FLay and Shinn are great characters, and I understand you pointing out Athrun and Lacus for the simple fact that they are the ones that come off being very flakey and weak, fighting and doing things without a real reason. Yet I personally like those two as well.

  24. I think that it is very unfair of you to attack an anime show (SEED) like that, especially because; 1 - It had the highest ratings for a Gundam show since ZZ & What your saying is just hatred, without any real reasoning.

    I guess that my issue is that you really don´t give reasons they are annoying, you merely state that they are, yet why are they? It seems like you would need to update this post for future visitors as it literally comes off as pure hatred, and I doubt you want it to look like that, even if you dislike SEED.

    Not only that but Gundam SEED was a phenomenal GUndam show, that was praised, awarded like no other Gundam show prior, which is a platant fact. Kira, Athrun, Cagalli and Lacus won numerous awards for being best characters of the year, which shows already that the characters are not in general bad, or THAT annoying.

    Also, Kira does have a grip on war, he is unique in the sense that he does not want to fight, yet he does so to protect the people he loves, yet why should that stop him from trying to stop fights, instead of instigating them. He is a kind hearted person; I doubt it would be easy for anyone to start killing people, especially without any military training or real motivation for it. Each and everyone of us would act like Kira did in SEED, no one would willingly kill without a reason, he had none.

    All in all, don´t take my comment as an attack, I love to discuss GUndam , and hope that we can do that without thing getting out of hand.

    1. Ok first, popularity =/= quality. If it did Twilight would be the greatest movie ever made. Second, he did explain why he didn't like those characters. While I don't necessarily agree with all his choices either it's not blind hatred like you claim.

      If you liked Seed, that's fine. I enjoy it too but I don't think it's a good show just because a bunch of people over in Japan say it is. Don't be a sheep and make up your own mind. I like shows other people hate and they hate shows I like. What someone else says shouldn't affect your enjoyment of Gundam.

    2. As anon said above, popularity entails nothing about the quality of a show. Not a single bit. Pointing out that the characters won "awards" for being great characters actually cements that fact. The characters and the show won popularity awards for every reason other than quality. By your arguments, I should be taking the Teen Choice Awards seriously.

      Though of course, I need people to understand that I don't hate Seed. I thoroughly enjoyed it as an anime series, though I may not totally agree with it as a Gundam series. At the time of writing this post, I was mostly interested in entertaining people more than anything; that's just my writing style. I've only recently started taking my posts seriously, but it would be a waste of time to re-write this one. People are free to disagree and argue all they want. That's what the comments are for after all.

    3. Flay did become more likable as time passed (she overcame her racism, genuinely fell in love with Kira, and by the end was openly horrified by Azrael). She also tries to redeem herself

  25. Katz and Hathaway are my most hated characters in all of Gundam. They do the most stupid things that I want to reach out strangle them ever time. Sorry for the rage.

  26. The annoying characters for me are Lacus and her impostor meer

    Lacus - "Everyone! Love and Peace! *Sings a song that doesn't make any sense at all*
    - "Hey I'll have the captain's seat and do nothing there except to cheer my boyfriend up!"

    Seriously Why the fuck is she even alive? she should have died instead of Stellar, at least stellar is cuter and she knows how to kill.

    sorry Lacus fans but she just annoys me as hell. she reminds me of modern artists.

    Meer - Attention Whore, Lacus Wannabe (which is worse than being lacus herself)
    good thing she died at the end of GSD.

    on the other hand I enjoy looking at their hentai Pics and fap. yeah that's the only thing they're good at.

    1. True. Lacus is one big Mary Sue. Both a political leader, beautiful, has a fancy name (Lacus=Lake in the Latin Language) and a idol singer. That hardly seems realistic. At least she was voiced by Rie Tanaka and Chantal Strand. And admittedly Fields of Hope is a good song.

      I don't mind Meer a whole lot. She at least has more character than the flawless Lacus.

    2. Erm.... lol. Its "Stella" not "Stellar" XD

  27. In just one episode, Kirara (Build Fighters) has shot way up on my list of annoying characters. The bitch cheats by sabotaging other peoples gunpla before battle. Dunno if she will get redemption later on but as of right now, I hate her guts lol.

  28. Kamille wasn't annoying to me. Put Kou and Nina in a higher spot and take him out

  29. I swear to God I fucking hate Nena. What a motherfucking lil stupid hoe!

  30. You know who is really annoying in Gundam? Amuro! That guy just get under my skin with his "maon character" attitude.

    But seriou8sly though, you aren't actually listing annoying characters here, you are listing characters that you found annoying. Your reason for finding them annoying is as dubious as it is hilarious. Lets take a look at two such cases in particular to demonstrate my point:

    Quess - What you find annoying about her:

    She is highly intelligent, psychotic, manipulative... much like pretty much ALL the main villains in pretty much any Gundam or anime show ever shown. Only difference I can find between her and say "Char" is that she is a child. So lets hate her because she is a child that acts like every other damn villain ion anime.

    Nena - What you find annoying about her:

    She kills a couple (not alot) of people at some boring wedding where the main scrappy of the show that has been stealing screen time is at. Unfortunately Louise survives, so instead Saiji becoming a raging Mecha pilot, he becomes a woma-- I mean, he becomes a whiny little-- no wait, he was that at the start of the anime umm... well, he stays the whiny bitch he was through the entire show.

    As for meddling... really like in what? Saving Setsuna so that he doesn't die? yeah...

  31. Okay,so Kamille's annoying and all,but he does'nt hold a candle to katz and reccoa

    Katz is your impulsive,stubborn,annoying,angsty,gundam character difference is,he's much more annoying,never learns from his mistakes and somehow NO ONE seems to mind at some points

    Reccoa is.........well,that's her problem.....i really do'nt really know what her deal was,she defected cuz the crew were supposedly *using her* and went to scirroco of all people.she then goes on to spout some nonsense on how *there are men and there are women* and all that bullshit

  32. Wow... lol. Not to be rude or mean or anything... but you must have really of not gotten the plot to SEED. Most people hate GSD, while I personally think it was one of the best sequels to a series ever. Looking at it from purely a writers view, I can see why the personalities are that way, and why Destiny was even made. Unfortunately the series never provided a definite ending as to what happens after that final battle at Messiah, and that's my only complaint. But still... I have to say that your opinions are more than a little close minded... But hell, that's just my opinion as well.

    I agree with you on both Flay and Shin though, and I wish Shin had wound up being the one to kill durandel :( Would've made for one hell of a plot twist.

  33. Alright so DISCLAIMER for anyone who wants to leave new comments. PLEASE READ before continuing. This post was made awhile ago and no longer reflects my views. I don't actually hate SEED and I never have. This post was mostly just made for the lulz. END DISCLAIMER.

    1. So, after almost a year, where's the post that reflects your recent views?

  34. Sorry, but Kamille and the Gundam Seed Cast over Katz, Quatre, Reccoa, Judeau, Beecha, Mondo (actually most of the cast of ZZ), and Hathaway is just objectively wrong. Kamille is probably a top 10 gundam character and there are a lot of redeemable aspects from the cast of Gundam Seed. Most of who I listed minus Judeau and end of series Beecha and Mondo really have no redeemable aspects

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  36. Where is Shakti of Victory Gundam? She deserves to be in the ranking, I hate her! "I want to meet my mother" and someone die xD poor Uso

  37. I find Reccoa Londe very annoying, betraying everything just to love a guy to stick it the a person like Char for not returning the feeling only to die in despair and anguish

  38. I came back from seeing Char's Counterattack and the only good thing about Quess is that she died. Nanai was a far more interesting character and she should have had more screentime than her. Hathaway was no better.

    1. The only good thing about Hathaway is the fact he turns into Mafty later on in his life and is mature enough by that point.

  39. Hey guys do u think I have a problem when my favorite female from double o is Nena Trinity and have hate against almost every character in double o well except for Christina and feldt they are still better than nena that for sure

  40. Gundam seed is a good film and I really like it. These characters are good but some of them I dont like but it has to be the part of the film. Back to the old days when I used to watch this and wearing Voguish Vibe.
