
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Top 5 Melee Weapons in Gundam

This time around, we're counting down five of the biggest, deadliest, and most impressive melee weapons in Gundam. While I will be taking into account the power and effectiveness of each weapon, it's really all about the wow-factor. I've always felt that melee combat is the be-all end-all of Gundam battles, so these weapons in particular will have a significance to them in terms of what they brought to their respective shows.

As usual, these are just my thoughts, so if you think I've missed anything just comment on your favorite weapons in the comment section below!

5.  GN Sword

The focal point of the Gundam Exia is its enormous GN Sword. It has special properties that allow it to cut through just about anything, and it folds back to reveal a beam rifle. Its wrist-placement and the Exia's melee style of combat is what made the first season of Gundam 00 so entertaining. All owed to this badass weapon.

4.  Gerbera Straight

Everybody looks twice when they first see this gigantic katana sword. It almost seems impractical at first, considering how beam sabers are the standard in close-range weaponry. But this sword is made specially to be just as effective as a beam weapon, and it is absolutely capable of splitting mobile suits in half with a quick swing. The pilot of the Gundam Astray prefers the Gerbera straight over beam weaponry because it does not consume battery energy from the suit. Though, having said all that, it's really all about appearances. It's a GIANT Gundam-sized katana sword for god sakes. It earns its position here with pure style.

3.  Beam Scythe

A beam weapon in the shape of a scythe may seem a bit overkill, but it's undeniably effective and quite intimidating. The size and shape of the scythe makes it ideal for splitting mobile suits in two clear halves, and its swinging power is greatly strengthened by the vernier thrusters behind the blades that boost the blades right into the target. The Deathscythe Hell even comes equipped with an upgraded beam scythe that has two blades, for maximum cutting potential. It has a preference for ending things quickly, which is fitting because it's basically a symbol of death in giant robot form. And seriously, what's not to like about that?

2.  Epyon's Beam Sword

The Gundam Epyon's beam sword was a beam saber multiplied by at least 5. The Epyon itself was touted as being the ultimate close-range mobile suit, so it needed a beam saber that would compensate for the lack of any ranged weaponry. This beam sword compensates rather admirably; its flaming blade requires so much energy to maintain its power and size that it needs to be connected to an extra energy source via a long cable. While that may sound cumbersome, I take it as a symbol of just how devastating it really is. 

1.  God Gundam's Hands

This may seem a bit unconventional, but come on; the God Gundam's fists are about as "melee" as it gets. They're the harbingers of justice. The glowing hands of death. They're alpha and omega, and probably the most epic anythings in the history of Gundam. Just have a peek at Domon's signature move, the "God Finger".

My goodness. There's no surviving that one. What basically happens is, all the energy is focused into the hands, then released into the body of an enemy mobile suit. This creates a devastating explosion that releases from within, leaving absolutely no parts unscathed. The God Gundam is also capable of firing off a "Hadouken" style energy ball, and a gigantic energy hand that crushes foes from a distance. Considering the amount of highly destructive and versatile techniques at its disposal, how can I not consider the God Gundam's hands the ultimate melee weapons?

Just watch that video again. "Baaakunetsu, God Fingaaaa!" Hell yeah.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. I quite agree with the God Finger part, but how about the eponymous beam sabers?

    And please do one regarding ranged weapons (TBR FTW!)

  2. I avoided beam sabers because they're just the standard melee weapon. I was looking for the cool, deadly weapons. And ranged weapons, that's actually a good idea. I'll make that my next Gundam Top 5!

  3. How about 00 raiser's "Trans-Am Raiser Sword?" - the melee weapon that can cut three ships with one swipe?

  4. That thing was too overkill for me, it didnt have the style or purity of the weapons I listed

  5. where is my anti-ship blades?

  6. How about for your next top 5: 5 most unique Beam Saber placements... XD

  7. You know what, that sounds like a good idea too! Ima do some research and see if its good. I went with your last recommendation and this ones good too, you're full of ideas lol

  8. Epyon's Beam Sword>The God Finger

  9. gundam spike ball should change with epyon hula whip..

  10. I second the Epyons Beam Sword, a beam "saber" wasn't goos enough it needed to be called a sword.

  11. Due to everyone reminding me how amazing the Epyon's beam sword is, I finally went ahead and made a revision to my list.

    I found that the Gundam Hammer was really just an embarrassment and something creator Tomino even edited out to keep up with his "real robot" motif, so it was the perfect place to place the sword.

  12. hi added u to my blogroll.

    btw ur top 5's are always cool. maybe top 5 big @$$ swords next?

  13. What about Canard's Hyperion bean knifes?

  14. Honestly...too obscure. I don't think too much of them anyway

  15. you should put destiny's sword but it think I saw in the ending that his sword got cut in half from a beam saber

  16. 100 percent agree with this list. But technically and strategically speaking the death sycthe is a deep shit. Why? Coz no fuck*ng idiot is going to an all out war in a goddamn big fat sychthe. Mainly that's the reason I began to hate wing gundam franchise. When you teleport DS to UC and 00 it's no doubt that he will suffer the most painful death. But hey don't get me wrong, 10 yrs ago deathsycthe is the definition of coolness to me, even today I prefered duo and the deathsycthe over heero.

  17. Correction, the God(Burning) Gundam's God(Burning) Finger(s)have been destroyed by the Dragon Gundam during their fight where Sai Sacchi uses his ultimate technique, yes he still won which leaves the God(Burning) Finger undefeated (as he used his remaining left hand to finish it), but not indestructible.

    1. did u watch the full battle???? cuz his right hand got damage and it got weaker so STFU!

  18. no heat rods?! those things epic!!!!!

    1. I was very tempted to include Epyon's heat rod, but I just couldn't fit it in. It does deserve an honorable mention though.

  19. how about Akatsuki`s beam sabers, lol kidding though it is my favorite gundam

  20. What about Crossbone Gundam's Beam Zanber? It can cut through Beam Saber and Beam Shield. Also Muramasa Blaster is amazing melee.

  21. how about the juaggu's use of its hand cannons? it frickin laid the hurt on some gm ass. and it wasn't even made for that.

  22. Don't forget the shot lancer used by the Den'an Zon in Gundam F91!

  23. Excalibur and Arondight anti-ship swords>everything but God Finger. Shame they weren't put to use.

  24. How about Epyon`s heat whip?

  25. Hey C.Jin, would Blitz`s/Gold Frame Amatsu`s Trikeros count? It did break the Gerbera Straight.

  26. Blue Frame 2nd L's gigantic sword? It looks freaking awesome and it can transform into a gatling gun, backpack and tonfa-like blades.
    Sandrock's Heat Shotel looks pretty cool too.
    And the simplistic Strike's Armour Schneiders, the weapon Kira uses when he's almost scrooed.

  27. Time to count in Barbatos' freaking mace as top five......

  28. What about Crossbone Gundam X3's Muramasa?
