
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Top 5 Most Powerful Gundam

Ranking the most powerful Gundam in such an expansive series as Gundam is incredibly complicated and filled with all sorts of clashing opinions. This is probably one of the most hotly debated topics amongst Gundam fans, and there is never an out-right winner. The argument is mostly plagued by fans of different Gundam series who prefer their favorite Gundam, and narrow their view down to "I love this one best so its the strongest!" The arguments get really dumbed down from there.

I've taken absolutely everything I can into account so I can create a sensible list. First of all, there is absolutely no bias, because then I wouldn't even bother making this list. Second, I am taking the Gundam's respective pilot into account, but it is really more about the machine itself. Technical details such as its performance capabilities and armaments are very important. With the most powerful machines narrowed down, it comes down to their unique abilities to put them in order. From psycoframes to Trans-Am systems, their technological edge in battle will determine the winner.

I thought I'd implement a few rules now that this post has gotten so large.

  • There can only be one Gundam per series. 
  • Any suggestions for the list that don't have reasonable explanations will basically be ignored. 
  • If you would like to continue debating in the comment space, please use a name. You can choose to use a nickname in the drop down menu below the comment box.
  • I have no obligation to include the newest Gundam from the newest Gundam series.
  • If you're confused about where the latest comments are, look for "load more" at the bottom of the page to reveal more comments.

5. Wing Gundam Zero

The Wing Zero is a classic badass among Gundams. Its sudden appearance was akin to Death wreaking havoc; it catches everybody off-guard, destroys everything in its path, and leaves the battlefield virtually unharmed. Its signature weapon, the Twin Buster Rifle, is particularly devastating, able to destroy entire colonies with a single shot. The Zero's technical specs are greatly heightened by the Zero system, which amplifies the pilot's abilities to the extent where it hinders a weaker minds' sanity. Pilot Heero Yuy manages to master the system and takes full advantage of its potential, making the Wing Zero virtually unstoppable. Unfortunately, the year in which Gundam Wing debuted meant that its power would be outmatched by newer Alternate universe Gundams.

4. Strike Freedom Gundam

The Strike Freedom gets its place on this list with sheer overwhelming firepower. It has two beam rifles, two powerful rail cannons on its hips, a beam cannon on its torso, and a handful of dragoons on its wings, which basically act like fin funnels. This handful of weapons is complimented by a multi-targeting system called "Full Burst Mode" which allows it to unleash hell at every possible angle. Its wings and improved booster engine give it incredible mobility, and the METEOR attachment increases its firepower ten-fold. This machine was virtually unstoppable in Seed Destiny, weaving about in the battlefield to avoid any damage while destroying everything within its impossible range. It merely comes short with the lack of any unique ability.

3.  Unicorn Gundam


The Hi-nu Gundam was, for the longest time, recognized as the most powerful mobile suit in the U.C. universe. However, this title has since been overtaken by the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam. This has become an official, inarguable part of the Universal Century lore: the Unicorn is one of the most powerful, technologically advanced mobile suits in existence. Like the Hi-nu, it houses an advanced psyco-frame that connects the suit to a Newtype pilot's mind. Though, what makes the Unicorn unique is its NT-D, or Newtype Destroyer system. As part of its design, it automatically responds to the presence of other Newtypes by engaging its Destroy Mode. In Destroy Mode, the Unicorn Gundam's armor shifts to expose the red glow attributed to the activation of its psyco-frame.

In addition to the performance enhancements owed to extra thrusters, the psyco-frame connects the pilot's mind to the suit, to such an extent that the Unicorn can be controlled via the pilot's thoughts and emotions alone. It can even hijack an enemy Newtype's psycommu weapons, turning the weapons against them. The Unicorn's advanced I-field strengthens in Destroy Mode, deflecting beam weapons like child's play. Once the NT-D is activated, the Unicorn does not stop until its target is completely annihilated. With the help of its devastating Beam Magnum, the Unicorn almost acts on its own accord as it wreaks havoc during its five minute limit. Its short time limit is perhaps its only flaw. Despite this, it is a formidable threat that represents Newtype technology at its peak.

2. GNT-0000 00 Qan[T]

This spot was originally taken by the 00 Raiser for some time, but as soon as the Trailblazer movie came out, it was obvious that the 00 was already outclassed by the Qan[T]. It seemed like the 00 Raiser was already the pinnacle of new generation Gundam ridiculousness, but the Qan[T] multiplies that 100-fold. It breaks all sense of reality and literally becomes a god amongst Gundam. It has been said that if Setsuna had chosen not to communicate with the ELS (the morphing metallic aliens from the movie) and end the war peacefully, he could still have single-handedly destroyed their entire race with the 00 Qan[T].

The Qan[T] is everything the 00 Raiser was but vastly superior in every way. It comes with an improved twin drive system that does not require an external stabilizer like the 0 Raiser. It also improves the Trans-Am Burst system with the Quantum System, which allows an Innovator pilot to extend his "quantum brain waves" (I know, bare with me here) to communicate telepathically with an incredible range. Also, recall how the 00 Raiser was able to teleport from one place to the other with its Trans-Am. Well, the Qan[T] can teleport across entire galaxies. There is basically no limit to this machine's abilities. Finally, it comes with a new set of sword bits that can be controlled remotely to attack individually or form a shield. It is capable of forming a Raiser Sword similar to the 00 Raiser, but with superior power that could likely wipe out entire colonies with a single blast.

Once you consider the Qan[T]'s offensive and defensive capabilities, it suddenly becomes foolish to think any Gundam that precedes it can be of any match for it. The number one on this list takes it spot simply because its abilities nullify any and all abilities a Gundam might have. But overall, the Qan[T], with its quantum teleportation, twin drives, and GN sword, has more than enough power to silence anything in its path. And this is coming from a guy that really hates how ridiculous these abilities have gotten.

1. Turn A Gundam

At first glance, the Turn A looks rather plain and its mustached head can appear a bit goofy. It's also quite small, and it only has basic armaments. This Gundam seems rather unremarkable, right? Well, most people tend to let looks deceive them. Before I get into what makes the Turn A superior to the rest, let's run down its other features. Its delicate frame is protected by an advanced I-field barrier, which protects it from attacks as devastating as a nuclear explosion. It has also been known to utilize teleportation and regeneration systems, the latter affecting the pilot as well. It can even warp beams straight into the cockpit to kill the pilot. That bit of craziness would render a battle pointless right from the beginning.

Then, there's the Moonlight Butterfly. This deus ex machina renders superior technology useless even more so than teleporting laser beams into the cockpit. What the Moonlight Butterfly does is, it releases nanomachines all over Earth and space, and reduces all manner of technology into sand. All it has to do is release a flashy butterfly shaped light, and every machine turns to dust. With something like that in the Gundam universe, there is no use comparing the Turn A to anything else.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. Hey have you checked "RX-78GP03 Gundam Dendrobium Orchis" from gundam 0083.It should be one of the best badass gundams ever built.It is is fully loaded.
    Full list of armaments here:-

  2. That falls under the mobile armor category, and I've actually listed it as number one on my top 5 mobile armors list

    1. add in beginning 30 - it made i fields sexy - also, its power was demonstrated against mobile suits from many different universes, including the hi nu (if it can beat the hi nu, then it probably could have made the strike freedom into dessert)

  3. correction,hi-nu gundam can beat turn-a gundam.if turn-a activated its Moonlight Butterfly surely it can turn hi-nu gundam into sand but,in a cross over battle amuro can deactivate the system using his newtype powers not only that,if the battle occurs in space,when it comes to range hi-nu will use its Hyper mega bazooka launcher and wipe of the face of turn-a.

    -in gundam musou 2,nu-gundam vs. turn-a gundam

  4. Good argument, I kind of agree with you there. Though that's a hypothetical battle situation, and I was mostly looking at the specs and grading their strengths from there.

  5. Check the stats for the Victory and Victory 2 Gundam. They're pretty small but they're really the most powerful of all the UC gundams.

  6. The anti-beam shielding that the Victory 2 is sort of a deus-ex machina, so the Hi-nu can equally have an unfair advantage with its psycommu frame and hyper bazooka. Overall it is probably the more powerful machine in UC

    1. unicorn is even more powerful than hi nu, better psyco frame, better mobility,the ntd system and even the ability to take control of another mobile suit's pycommu weapons - it is what it was supposed to be, a newtype hunting weapon that would totally rape the strike freedom and the hi nu.

  7. I completely agree with this list, from the spec Turn A still the badass
    but Hi nu has better pilot.

    How about create one more list
    :"Top 5 Gundam / MS Pilots" of course it's not always protagonist

  8. Dude. Strike Freedom is even more obnoxious. IT HAS AN AIMING SYSTEM! It homes in on like everything and he can hit which ever part he wants. It is so freaking beast.

    1. the zabanya from the 00 movie can do that except better, in fact, watch all of celestial being's gundams from the 00 movie, they all have remote weapons that are used to a greater extent than the strike freedom has ever used them for.

  9. All the alternate universe hero gundams are obnoxious, honestly.

  10. What about RX-78GP02 Gundam Physalis

    It has the Atomic Bazooka....that with a single shot.....ANNIHILATED* nearly 3/4 of the 10,000 strong Federation Fleet of battleships.

    Their is no gundam in any universe that could survive a shot from that weapon...not even the "god-gundams" from Seed/Destiny..

    the shot wouldnt even have to hit the suit......just blow up in the general area......even Crybaby Ray's newtype powers mean precisely dick* against this weapon.

    Even the Hil-nu.....even though that Mega Hyper bazooka can blow up a colony sized would still take time to link with the battleship..charge the weapon..lock on and fire.....while the Atomic bazooka would simple target the battleship...and vaporize BOTH ship and gundam...before you could blink.

    You couldnt outrun the blast wave either.....the only gundam that could possibly outrun and/or dodge the shot altogether would be the Trans-Am Raiser or TAB Raiser....teleport fftw I guess....

    a link to gundams specs is here:

  11. It's true that the Atomic Bazooka has monstrous power, but remember that the bazooka is split into two different parts, which means it still takes time to set up. But more importantly, it is a nuclear warhead and not a particle beam so it must either hit a target or reach a certain distance to explode. Any of the mobile suits on this list could dodge a weapon of such magnitude in time and high-tail it to safety. Then we get to the aftermath; considering it is only armed with one warhead, the Physalis is basically out of any real weapons by then and will fall to the superior mobile weapons on this list.

  12. hmm i think you should put wing gundam zero custom on no.3 if your grading their strength cause 00 gundam hardly can dent a mobile suit using its beam rifle,it only uses its should replace 00 raiser with unicorn,seriously dude unicorn gundam can deflect almost everything it could be no.1 but it depends on the pilot and we all know who's the best pilot who save the earth by tryin something crazy like pushin a huge ass rock

    if you wanna know who's no.1 its a draw between hi-nu gundam who can push or destroy the asteroid axis and the unstoppable turn-a gundam left machines to dust.

    1. keep the 00 quanta,
      1: turn a
      2: 00 q
      3: unicorn
      4: wing zero
      5: beginning 30

    2. yeah man, the beginning 30 has pure style with its i field generating abilities.

  13. Turn A gundam based on technical specs alone IS number 1 hands down. Although I guess turn X is more advanced, but it's not a gundam. :P

    the turn A is estimated to have been built a couple centuries after the UC series, and turn A gundam is discovered as an ancient piece of technology a couple thousand years later....For one thing, it can teleport lasers INTO an enemy MS's cockpit, killing the pilot. >.> As for its goofy looks...apparently it comes from outside our solar system, drifting in space for a long time to us. So for all we know, it's some common piece of civilian tech someone at that time could get anywhere, compared to the most advanced and powerful machines on this list. xD

  14. wing zero should at be number 3. remember that one shot of the twin buster rifle destroyed both an Oz asteroid base and it also destroyed a colony in one shot. let's say the twin buster rifle has only one shot, strike freedom can't handles that one shot and neither is the 00 gundam...and you should remember of the infamous zero system, not to mention the incredible speed of wing zero which out bests both strike freedom and gundam 00.... and it is neede to be connected to battle ship to destroy an asteroid. strike freedom is a bootleg of the hi nu, 00 gundam is a bootleg of wing zero, well should try battling all five gundams. turn a is strong but it can only decimate technology not twin buster rifle shots....

    1. true, if the wing zero or 00 q fire first, it's all over.

  15. god/burning gundam should be #2

  16. the oo and oo raiser use swords with guns build in and can be swich between at any time ,which adding in the fact that even without the o raiser it may by the fastest gundam of all time he can shoot you before the other gundams could arm , and if they have shields he uses the swords part of his basicly ''swordguns'' , and remember the oo replased the Exia which was made to fight other gundam or gundams like mobile suits or armors and the OO is the same in may ways

    so this should by which gundam is not best, but which can bet the other in that case OO would be in 4 or 5 but if he had O Raiser then it would be 1 or 2 or at least 3

  17. correction, trans-am burst doesn't improve his speed.It juz release an enormous ridicilously large amount of pure GN particle that cover an unknown radius of area. These particles then disrupts quantum brainwaves,radio transmission, somehow other units visual (the blinding light) and at some point allows human to undergoes innovation. 00 Raiser best and most unique move is quantization which allows 00 raiser to leap or jump at a limited distance which we can say; he teleported. Therefore any high maneuvere gundam or any of its weapon are possibly outmatched by 00 Raiser.

  18. Actually, the 0 Raiser only regulates GN Particle emission since 00 Gundam's GN Drives came from two different Gundams from different generations: the 0 Gundam which is the first Gundam ever created and the Exia which is Setsuna's initial Gundam, which particle output is unstable, so the 0 Raiser fixes that problem of instability, it doesn't enhance any mobility at all.

    As for the Turn A, it's looks are plain silly but it has a whole lot going for it. Within it's chest cavity is pretty much an artificial black hole designed to store a loadout of weapons such as nuclear warheads. It also has various abilities that Loran hasn't realised such as the ability to warp beam shots and short distance teleportation. It's twin Gundam Hammer are coated with nanomachines for an unknown reason.

  19. 00 Raiser should be number 1..its fast and it can defeat all of the gundam the pilot is an innovator

  20. Hi Nu should be replaced by unicorn and be placed somewhere between Strike Freedom (closer to this) and 00 raiser since unicorn can control Hi-Nu's funnels and it's i-field is more advanced (in timeline at least) and the fact that the suit can be controlled by thoughts alone and NT-D hates newtype opponents that it wants them to die. I thought unicorn must be placed closer but higher to the Strike Freedom because unicorn has the all powerful gundarium and Kira hates killing unless banagher would kill lacus/cagalli to trigger his rage though unicorn can't control Strike Freedom's funnels since they were controlled by quantum computer and not some magical newtype thoughts. by this 00 raiser would be second as it should.

    as a side note i would love to see how zabanya and 00 qan't would fare had they been included here. imo zabanya should replace Strike Freedom and 00 qan't for 00 raiser.

  21. I would swap out 00 quan't for double 00 riser also move 00 quant to number 1...
    1.) Quantum Sword
    Raiser sword might be the size of a space station, the Quantum Sword is the size of a moon.
    2.) Quanitiation
    00 Raiser can teleport a few meters...the Quant can teleport across a galaxy.
    3.) Armaments
    00 Raiser lacks the 00 quant's GN sword bits.

  22. Made almost a complete rewrite of the whole list, and move 00 raiser ahead of hi-nu. I just watched the Trailblazer movie, and I'm pretty tempted to replace the 00 raiser with qan't, but I don't want to be too quick to change things.

  23. forgot 1 gundam during the UC era which is powerful enough to make your weapons turn against you..... Unicorn gundam


    turn A sucks. even the Nu gundam was able to defunct the "all-powerful" moonlight butterfly.
    go 00-raiser

  25. Turn A doesn't need moonlight butterfly to kick ass, he'll still warp a beam inside 00-raisers cockpit. Besides, you're getting it from DYNASTY WARRIOR GUNDAM.

  26. Lol, I wouldn't take what happens in that game too seriously...

    And I really want to include the Unicorn gundam, but I havent seen enough of the OVA or the full extent of its powers. A future inclusion is possible

  27. if 00 raiser fights with any other gundam,i think it would destroy anything it fights. if it fights turn a it could just use trans-am burst and just slice the opponent.

  28. im pretty sure that the 00Q out matches the 00 raiser that being said who knows wat would be the outcome if the moonlight butterfly and the quantum system clashed since we didnt see much of the 00Q actuall power im positive 00Q would trump the turn a

  29. i only know about the moblie suit gundam, 00 and the seed storys so i can't judge the list but I think your right about what MS come to the top of list so good job.
    but if i had to choose a MS to pilot i would go with a custom zakku (ZGMF-1000/A1) infused with strike freedom tech to make it able to keep up with the gundams.

  30. V2AB should be in here :(

    Haven't noticed any inclusions of Gundam Victory in any of these lists :/

  31. Victory is actually one of the only Gundam series I don't have an extensive knowledge of. I'd really like to keep up with all the information but I just don't have the time to sit down and watch 50 episodes of something...

  32. forget gundam use gurren lagann even its not a gundam hahaha

  33. Here's a better list

    3. Turn A Gundam: for all the reasons specified by the OP.
    2. Master Asia: (No Gundam, + Ribbon)Master Asia defeats Turn A Gundam, because the Butterfly thing won't matter (see First Appearance of Master Asia)
    1. Cancer: Eventually, Master Asia succumbs to cancer and dies, so cancer wins.

  34. I'd just wish people would stop hoping to push Qan[T] to be 1st. Also, Turn A even at it's MLB/Awakened mode, isn't fully activated yet.

    The original Turn A only used a portion of it's full abilities when it turned earth's technology to dust. Thus, it is still unknown how strong Turn A would be when left to be piloted at a pilot that would utilize it's power to the fullest.

    Also, it was seen in the series that Turn A 'evolves' according to the pilot's will. Many forgot about that or even knew it had such ability.

    And even now, units such as Qan[T] and the upcoming ACE needs to put into concern of Turn A that it's supposedly the "Ultimate End-Game MS" in the series and should never be placed higher than Turn A in terms of ability.

    In regards to game lore, just how many truly understood the idea of games as pure speculation of 'what-if' situations? You should never take the concept that abilities, if portrayed stronger than another, is wholly true. Especially so if there's focus is it's something that's shrouded in mystery even now.

    Turn A could easily process such abilities similar to NT-D or even process abilities that enables the unit to copy other unit's abilities as use it as it's own. This is due to the fact that one of the abilities the unit processed is evolution. When the situation calls, it'll evolve for the better.

    There's a reason why there's a Turn-A would make cameos in certain games as a hidden unit (that goes under the name Turn A Gundam [System 99 / Turn A]), this is due to the reason that they're telling us that Turn A might not be utilized to the fullest potential in the series, and if it did, no Gundam, be it new or old, would never stand a chance against it whether alone or in small groups.

    If someone where to use the idea of Pscyhoframe against MLB, why nobody would refer to what V2 did when it went up against Turn X in SRWA? V2 also disabled MLB from Turn X using it's Wings of Light.

    The next thing we knew, they would use 00Q's Quantum system to disable Turn A/X's MLB and people would say the same thing again when the topic springs up or even Gundam AGE's yet-to-be explained AGE system to disable Turn A/X's MLB and/or Trans-AM Burst from 00R/00Q.

    A single advice to many out there, watch the series, play the games, but always question why is it executed so.

    So what if the unit's pilot is an ELS? Does that make a difference if we were to pit him against an evolved Newtype as per seen in V Gundam Gaiden? I doubt anyone read Crossbone's Steel 7 manga and V Gundam Gaiden.

    Two evolved abilities that an evolved newtypes had shown, was to trick others using mind tricks whist the opponent didn't even know what's happening. And the other was the ability to read the opponent's mind, knowing what they'll do next and countering it as soon as they read it.

    So what if the fellow hates to kill? That may or may not hinder his/her abilities. It boils down to the situation and what was given to him/her to utilize.

    There was a huge difference in Kira's abilities in Strike Freedom and Freedom, do take note of that.

    Also If I were to vote for the best pilots there is, it would be that of Kira, Amuro, Athrun, Char, Camille, Setsuna, Garrod and Heero. Reason being Growth, Experience and Abilities.

    Units wise, I would not agree more with Turn A, 00Q, Hi-Nu, Strike Freedom and WZC.

  35. Don't really care for these lists but Hi-Nu has already been in animation.

  36. Why did Strike Freedom was on the list instead Destiny?

    1. because his more powerful than that!

    2. If infinite can beat the Destiny gundam, strike freedom can beat his too!!!

  37. Pretty sure the Destiny was in pieces by the end, while the Strike Freedom was prancing around

  38. I agree with yellow word....Hands down Turn A kicks ass even without moonlight butterfly... 00 and 00Q cant do a thing face it loser 00 fans there are just something that sucksuna F sucksei cant beat.....

  39. The Full-burn? Really? It's nowhere near the level of any of the Gundam on this list, or anywhere above the older UC mobile suits for that matter.

  40. Dudes, Yellow Word is CORRECT indeed. As much as I hate to say it, Turn A is too powerful. 00Q can match up until Turn A uses full evolved strength. Thus being the ultimate battle ever.

    Note: Unicorn can use ANY weapon. I-fields are advanced. Needless to say, Hi-nu must be replaced.

    Also that even though Wing Zero looks awesome, Strike Freedom has better stats in firepower and stuff.

    New List -
    1. System 99 - Turn A (FTW)
    2. GNT-0000 - 00Quan(T) (Pronounced Double- oh Quanta)
    3. RX-0 - Unicorn Gundam (Props)
    4. ZGMF-X20A - Strike Freedom (AIMING SYSTEM?!)
    5. XXXG-00W0 - Wing Gundam Zero (Wings of AWESOMENESS)

    1. why would strike freedom be even close to the list? the zabanya can do the exact same thing except to a greater scale and with more style (watch the 00 movie) so, my list is:
      1:turn a
      2:00 q
      4:beginning 30
      5:wing zero

  41. guys guys no.1 should of been wing zero 1 hit of his weapon can destroy ah hole colony

    1. I agree with you that wing zero can destroy a whole entire colony because colonies are made of mechanic parts so when wing zero hits it, it explode part by part of the machinery until the whole colony explode!

  42. there's one thing that no mobile suit can do even the nu gundam can't do it without its pilot,is pushing an asteroid large enough to wipe out the existence of life on the earth, i admit turn A gundam is a greater gundam and second to it should be Hi-nu gundam, i know i'm a U.C fanboy but some of you people likely didnt watch or read chars counter attack or belthorchikas children. with amuro in the nu gundam, no one when i mean no one can stop em and if he were into the hi-nu gundam its best the other gundam pilots wave a white flag. sure newer mobile suits have better weaponry system but what if they are disarm? no weapons, just mechanical hands, hah i doubt gundams like wing zero,freedom and 00 would survive without their fancy techs. i'd put master gundam and god gundam in this list if i created it but its not.

    1. I agree with you because a lot of gundam sucks without a weapon haha

    2. but, the unicorn has higher mobility than the hi nu,improved psycoframe, black box system and the ntd. the unicorn would take control of the hi nu's funnels and even possibly shut down the hi nu and then target that sitting duck's cockpit with one of its weapons.

    3. wtf you talking about, the wing zero wouldn't push away axis, it would just fucking blow it up with its double buster rifle!

  43. The 00 is lame. Made me sad when everyone cried jesus yamato and his strike freedom but no one cared when holy wtf was that total bullshit 00 showed up. Then here comes 00Quantum. Talk about OP for a "conventional weapon"

    Good list though.

    Also I like 00 as a series. Just didn't appreciate how Setsuna made the other pilots useless with his god mode hacks. Also space aliens. Sigh.

  44. Wow, this post is pretty much the #1 google result for this topic. No end to the activity.

    But yeah, just a reminder for people. I still don't feel like replacing the 00 and Hi-nu with the Quanta and Unicorn right now. I know that will complete the list (for now), but I'm gonna give it a bit of time.

    Also, yeah I realize how OMGWTFBBQ the magic powers are in 00 and Seed, and I hate it too, but like I said, it's there so I have to add it.

    1. beginning 30 for strike freedom!!!!!!!
      just watch how effective it is against mobile suits from the ENTIRE multiverse!!!!

  45. well thats all just what yall think but the list is kinda good i guess but that #1 seat should go to the one and only gundam 00 Qan T known pilot Setsuna_F._Seiei.
    GN Sword V (attached to right forearm)[2]
    GN Buster Rifle/Sword (w/ Sword Bits)
    GN Sword Bit x 6 (Stored on GN Shield)[2]
    A Bit x 2
    B Bit x 2
    C Bit x 2
    GN Shield (Mounted on left shoulder)[2]
    GN Beam

    GunSpecial Equipments and Features
    Bit Control System
    GN Field
    Miniature Veda Terminal[3]
    Quantum Brainwave Control System
    Twin Drive System[2]
    Quantum System
    Quantum Teleportation System
    Trans-Am System
    not only that it has that but as he says that the turn A gundam can turn tecnology into dust or sand or w.e he said comone now the 00 Qan T can turn its self into little dust its self which is When electrons in orbit of an atom gain energy, it is quantized, allowing it to jump to a higher energy level, called excited state. and is able to jump into the dimension where the GN particles gather in order to teleport. which dam well Turn A gundam cant do

  46. @C.Jin i just posted something about the double Qan T waittin for approval

  47. The 00 qan[t] relies heavily on its sword bits. you take those away, you cut it's power in half.

    1. wrong, setsuna would do just fine without the sword bits - he didn't even get sword bits until the 00qt - the 00 and the exia didn't need them, why should he have to start relying on them now?

  48. if you say so bro but 00 qan t as i said should be # 1 when it has twin drive system

    1. It relies on that also, What happens if you take out one of them? (the one where the sword bits are also mounted?) The 00 qan[t] is powerful, but has a lot going against it. While the Turn A, Well it's pretty much what Yellow Card said.

  49. Anyone who says that Turn-A shouldn't be number 1 just simply hasn't watched Turn-A Gundam.

    Its ability is a Deus Ex Machina, and the full extent of its abilities weren't even discovered by the end of the series.

    Its also powered by a black hole, I'll just leave it at that.

  50. well ill just say over all 00 Qan T takes it so no way turn A gundam would keep up with setsunas speed to let it take away its twin drive

    1. Turn A can travel up to near lightspeed as well as teleport. It doesn't need TRANS-AM, nor sword bits, nor GN drives.

  51. Why are we arguing about which gundam is the strongest? We should argue about which gundam is the 2ND strongest because Turn A is without a doubt the strongest there is.

    To me the 2nd strongest might have to be ELS Qan[T].

  52. Why don't we just start with 3rd strongest then?
    there's just nothing to compare the both of them anyway

  53. hmm.............. So sad..... the strongest Gundam is unarguable no such gundam. why? simple, nobody will like their fav 00Q or Turn A to be number 2, so pointless to argue here

    1. Not sure I understood what you just said but I think you meant its pointless because the Quanta and Turn A are favorites so they can't be number 2? Iono, that makes absolutely zero sense. First of all, Quanta is no.2 is spirit, I just haven't changed it yet. And nobody likes the Turn A, it just happens to be the undisputed champion. Nothing you said makes any sense.

  54. Someone should really write a program to run analysis of all the gundam lol
    just like in the deadliest warrior

  55. haha, liked that idea tho, but i dont think the most powerful gundam is important, why we choose that particluar gundam is the most important here

  56. forgot about god gundam?

  57. God gundam should be on this list because g gundams like master gundam can move like a ninja and they punch like a machine gundam and god gundam can beat a gundam that has the ability to self-recover, only him that has the ability to beat that sh*t and they can blink or what ninjas do like they move from one play to another really fast so god gundam can dodge all their attacks without a problem!

    1. what I mean is machine gun and not machine gundam haha

  58. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one thinking about God/Burning Gundam. The thing that fascinated me was the fact he was able to destroy Devil/Dark/Ultimate Gundam who was a freaking colony by the end of the series. Although, I have to say I pretty much agree with this list. The combination of Turn-A's MLB, ability to teleport beams into cockpits, and even its hidden potential make it the most powerful (and I'm saying this as an unbiased fan of the entire Gundam series). BTW, did you know that Syd Mead (concept designer for Blade Runner, Tron, etc.) actually did the design for Turn-A?

    1. the beginning 30 can beat the god gundam - you can punch through the beginning 30's i field - saw how the beginning 30 just absolutely tore everything up? it even has remote weapons - soften up the target and if the god gundam isn't done yet, then finish up with the triple beam saber attack.

  59. Turn A sucks because the design is very fugly and BULLSH*T I know it's powerful but doesn't mean its invincible and I bet God/Burning gundam can kick his @$$ without sweat!!! and did you know that the ultimate technique of the god/burning gundam can shatter the earth and shake the heavens!! just watch this video and read the informations!!!

    1. That's great and all but the Turn A can reduce technology into dust, with only 20 percent of it full power. In only twenty percent, the Turn A gundam was able to literately end an era and bring the world back to the stone age. Could you possibly imagine how devastating it would be if it ever reached full power? I like God Gundam as much as the next guy, but I can't deny Turn A's power. And besides....

      -Advance I-Feild
      -Warp shot(to the cockpit)
      -Beam rifle's more powerfull than a colony laser.
      -Balck hole powered.
      just to name a few.

      Honestly, how do you fight that?

    2. but you forgot that all gundam can dodge you know haha ^^

    3. Um...How exactly?

    4. do you know how fast the god gundam is? and don't forget about his hyper mode that he turn invincible!!!

    5. Turn A's already invincible, it has teleportation and can travel near light speed(due to I-Feild propulsion). With only a fraction of it's full power mind you.

    6. God gundam can just blink(teleport) and use his god finger before turn A makes a move!!!

    7. Even if the God Gundam could pulled that off (keyword being "if"), The Turn A was made Thousands of years after any Gundam timeline, being built for interstellar warfare, and the fact that it had shown up to 10 to 15 percent of it's full power in the anime(it was never seen at full power), and all of it's abilities that was provided above. What makes you so sure that Turn A won't be able to capitalizes against the God Finger?

    8. because he will never expect that because his too fast and god gundam uses trace system and domon is a martial artist that moves like goku or some other DBZ characters and turn a uses controllers so it's hard for them to just make a move!

  60. Did you all know that god gundam never looses a fight in G gundam so that means that his the most powerful gundam

    1. Is that really your argument? I'm thinking this is a joke but...just for the hell of it, A LOT of Gundam is every series have gone through without ever losing a fight. That is no big deal, its called plot.

  61. I officially replaced the 00 Raiser with the Qan[T]. Now this list is more relevant and up to date. Yay

  62. Nice input there but Domon Kassyu's God Gundam is immune to nano attacks. The fury of the moonlight butterfly system is similar to Devil Gundam's DG cell scourge attack.

    In my honest opinion God Gundam would win in this battle aside from the fact this Gundam was built for such matches, the longer the battle goes the advantage will certainly shift to God Gundam because majority of the other Gundams loose ammo and energy to power their weapons. God Gundam doesn't use such because it uses Ki (similar to DBZ) and becomes totally invincible when in God mode (Colored Gold like a super saiyan).

  63. I kinda agree with your list but maybe you should put god gundam in the list, but just you know I'm not a fan of G gundam but i think it's one of the most powerful gundam

  64. Turn A is also capable of total regeneration of both itself and its pilot, by using the same nanomachines that the Moonlight Butterfly uses. However, this is not instantaneous and can take some time. Also, this ability was speculated to be an technology adoption of the DG cells of the Devil Gundam so it means that the nano machines are unaffected to burning gundam

    1. Fan speculations can't be considered canon. Turn A and G Gundam are separate universes, therefore we can't assume burning gundam won't be affected.

    2. and then why are we arguing about who is the strongest gundam if they have different universe it means the they're not gonna meet each other hehe ^^

    3. Turn A and Devil gundam both using the same nanomachines

  65. Unicorn gundam should be on the list!!!!

    1. It will probably be my next addition to the list, though it might be awhile before I decide to edit the post again.

  66. Does 00 qanta's sword connected to his arm in the anime??? because I just think of something that what if he got into a fight and he looses his sword??? DOn't call me crazy but I'm just curious because but I think it is but I'm just curious so please answer me!!!

  67. maybe you should replace wing zero into wing zero custom

    1. Wing Zero custom is actually a downgrade if you think about it...

    2. ^ That's what I was going to say. The zero custom couldn't stand more than a few shots of the buster rifle, whereas the anime wing zero could fire it off any time. The custom also lacks the neo bird mode.

    3. he was damage hella bad that's why he can't handle the buster rifle

  68. custom is not a down grade. its arm was damage from fighting another gundam when heero lost the will 2 fight.tht same arm while giving off satic from damage also took water damage which made it worst. soon after heero took suicidal rifle shots at a strong barrier which shook everthing with shockwaves, and caused him 2 cring after evry shot tht arm gave out first and few shoots later so did the gundam it was reckless and he knew it would happen. with tht being said i know zero custom may not hav the best specs with mobility and speed but it no pusher over.with the zero system it has the ability 2 get combat data pre battle 2 get total victory. it is the only gundam on the list tht has a chance 2 win against each gundam without being destroed as long as the pilot can handle the system which crazy heero can. with the zero system zero can predict were 00 rizer will teleprt 2 counter, how 2 avoid being locked on by freedom, and how not 2 get hit in the cockpit by a laser from turn A. the zero system was built for absolute victory and i feel people forget how powerful zer was b/c the series is old. the system easily makes heero a newtype or acomidator. without the system hes alreadt better than most newtype pilots physically and mentally. 2 conclude i believe zero custom should be no lest than 2 or better with its raw power and zero system counter ability.i like the pros and cons from other gundam and felt zero need more.also i think burning should be on this list but thts another message

    1. Then why didn't he win the battle between the other one I mean when they are in space fighting each other?

  69. my bad heero wasnt cring but it still was reckless shooting that normally dosent break tht gundam. as is said custom always existed they replaced regular zero like it never existed. so wat ever u seen regualr zero do custom did except useless neo bird mode lol

  70. can you tell us why can't god gundam be on this list??? please!!! It's a very strong gundam

  71. can you make a list of most powerful main antagonist gundams?

  72. All of you said that turn A can self-recover but god gundam beat the devil gundam
    and it has the ability to self-recover faster than turn a and for devil gundam everything is possible and it says in the anime and only god gundam can defeat that

    1. I really don't think its fair to bring plot-based BS into this. Its supposed to be more of a straight-up comparison of technological ability. There's no way the God Gundam WOULDN'T have defeated the Devil Gundam, its an anime. It doesn't have to make sense. He joins hands with his big-titted beauty and blow the Devil Gundam up with the power of love. G Gundam in general was more shounen and ridiculous than any other series, so its hard to take it seriously.

    2. But that's the point he is poweful because G gundam breaks the law of physics and I like what you about the big-titted beauty haha

  73. Ok just a few things to say
    1. Have you watched after war gundam x
    2. 00 Qants sword gun thing isnt actually new epyos beam sword is connected strait to its nuclear cores power system and could do the same the zero system is suppost to flood the pilots brain with possible scenarios only zechs and heero can remain commited one scenario at a time
    3. The moonlight butterfly can only destroy or power off electronics in the range of its wingspan ( unknown is this could actually go across the world) turn X and A are both mobile suits A is called a gundam because the protagonist uses it so calling X not a gundam is pointless
    4. Qants teleporting is useless against a fighter like domon who can sense the other fighters position and can also use his ult. Technique as a blast or a beam saber despite how id say a draw against them
    5. Zero customs wing jets are an improvement not only do they reduce the use of fuel with more smaller ones there omni directional for faster movement in any direction and smaller jets create less heat so overheating is less likely to happen so less overheat and fuel use for longer useage ( cant spell) neo bird mode is just a want not a need he got damaged by shen lon ( or is it long) gundam because is was his friend he didnt want to kill him he also reentered the atmosphere the wrong way without using his wings to the earth damaging his mobile suit which at this point needed immediate repair but he pushes through as heero deos ( sorry it was altron gundam or nataku)

    1. 1. Yes I have. There's nothing to note from that series.
      2. It's silly to compare epyon's beam sword to Qant's raiser sword. It absolutely CANNOT do the same by any stretch of the imagination. It gets big, but just slightly bigger than average. It's just absolutely nowhere near the universe busting raiser sword. Yes, the zero system is great, but don't pretend like it is the only one of its kind. SEED mode and Innovator mode are the same. Quantum burst pretty much makes everything else useless in comparison anyway.
      3. Actually the moonlight butterfly can reach out to the entire galaxy, from one end of the solar system to the other. It reduced the known world's technology to nothing at one point in history. The Turn A is referred to as the Turn A Gundam is every piece of media ever, while the Turn X isn't. While it is hard to say what makes a mobile suit a gundam, all we need to know is that only the Turn A is designated as a gundam, so it is.
      4. Qant's technological superiority still puts it light-years ahead of the God Gundam. Even in a head-on battle, it would be one-sided.
      5. Perhaps they are. Still, the anime version left much more of an impact in terms of its show of power. I would still say the anime version is preferable. In a sense, all the EW gundam seem to be downgrades. Heavyarms uses regular ammunition instead of beams for its gatling gun, Nataku loses its flame throwers and scorpion tail laser, deathscythe loses its buster shield and twin beam scythe, and sandrock is just sandrock.

    2. what do you mean in n0.4 ??? i don't get it?

    3. @cjin: the zero system is a one of a kind system only held by the zero and epyon - the innovator and seed modes do not predict movement and consider possibilities,if you were to watch and read, seed mode and innovator mode merely raise its user to peak physical and mental strength for a period of time. long after seed and innovator mode have passed their time limit, the zero system will still be predicting movement and the wing zero is more than capable of taking any course of action picked by its pilot. just like the god gundam and its mobile trace system, reaction time doesn't matter if the other pilot has already seen and is prepared for any course of action.

    4. @cjin: however, i do agree with you about the epyon's beam saber being absolutely overshadowed by even just 00's raiser sword.

  74. maybe you should change wing gundam zero because I don't think that his that powerful because of his buster rifle and his zero system I don't know why but haha whatever haha

  75. Also turn A's cockpit is open to any attack did anyone else notice that in the whole animation that no one attacked the pilots cockpit they went for the head or chest of the mobile suit and unlike most mobile suits where the head is the main camera they dont need it and you cant say the turn A isnt at its peek in the animation but that is as far as loran can take the mobile suit and that only a better pilot can make it better and also the turn a in the dark history is a different color than lorans so there maybe more than one because loran found his in that color sceme the one in the dark history is yellow

  76. G gundam has like the best close range gundams because it's base on martial arts

  77. I kinda like wing gundam zero custom but I have to say that wing gundam zero is more powerful than the ew

  78. For everyone asking why the God Gundam is not on this list, find my comment a little further up. But besides my reasons, you need to give better reasons for where it should be on the list. Sure, its strong, but is it stronger than the top 5?

    1. God gundam can beat wing gundam zero because God gundam can just dodge the buster rifle without sweat and it's easy for to dodge it and in close range, god gundam has the advantageand it has two beam saber and wing gundam zero only has one and don't forget god gundam's hyper mode in which turns him into a invincible fighter and god gundam can punch as fast as the speed of sound

  79. The God Gundam was able to move in a magnetic field 2000times the gravity of earth that was pulling him down in his normal hyper mode, but in his golden hyper mode, he moved way faster. Just because you can predict your opponent move doesn't mean you can avoid it or defeat it. Wing Zero is strong and all, but God Gundam is superior due to his martial arts and speed. Also in god gundam normal form, he can multiply and redirect enemys energy attack.

  80. I bet god gundam can beat all 4 but I don't know if he can beat turn A haha

  81. God gundam can beat the strike freedom. Just like you said "It merely comes short with the lack of any unique ability." but god gundam has a lot of unique abilities and God gundam has the advantage in close range because it's very fast and God gundam can dodge the DRAGOON SYSTEM because if he can dodge punches that has the speed of sound, of course he can dodge the DRAGOONS and he can sense the moves of his enemy and god gundam can beat the full burst mode with his sekiha tenkyoken

  82. GUNDAM SEED SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! sorry to everyone thats affected to what I said but the characters are so F**King annoying!!!! especially shinn

  83. stop arguing and we all know that the most powerful is . . . . . . . a Gundam. ^^

  84. Maybe we should ask sunrise whos the most powerful gundam!

  85. WHERES UNICORN GUNDAM!!!!!!! ';..;'

    1. i agree - taking control of someone else's psycommu weapons is a total buttfuck - go unicorn!!!!

  86. Hey hey hey, read that all 5 gundams above can destroy not only one MS but could be more than hundred of them --a

    Try compare it with how many God Gundam can crush?? It's only designed for one on one fight, as you can see how the G Gundam series is all about gundam versus, so it will be rather useless in a war.. (Sorry to repost mr admin)

    So, Turn-A can wipe out all of earth technology, but God Gundam? Even you say God Gundam can withstand the moonlight, look at Turn-A's warp beamshot to pilot cockpit!

    I know that Turn-A pilot is sucks, but this list is way more into the gundam specs.

    1. WTF are you talking about??? are you that stupid??? God gundam can destroy a lot of Dark armies you stupid!!! and did you see all the abilities of god gundam you moron!!! and besides, they don't always use their long range weapons and they mostly use their freaking beam saber or some sort of melee weapons!!

    2. Your talking about the tournament!but did you watch the whole series?

    3. EHMMM!!!!!! did you know that Domon is a martial artist??? of course he can sense that and his cockpit has a lot of space inside not like the other gundams, they are all sitting down and they have nothing else to go

    4. HEY!!!!!!!!!! you face 8====D head

    5. Wow wow wow??

      Calm down okay, it's not because I love turn A nor I hate the God Gundam. But I focus and look at the wise specs dude, so I know how both gundam's capabilities is.

      You said yourself, they mainly use melee weapon, and you still considered it as a 'war'?? Though there is Dark Armies, but what?? The series focus on gundam's fight.
      Just place God Gundam in UC's war, or other else war, yes of course god gundam can dodge here and there, but it will always be the target at all, because most of the armies at that war use ranged weapon, use your logic and sense.

      Oh about the cockpit, I know it got more space than other MS, but though he dodge it, the cockpit itself is also damaged, just think with your head dude. Oh yes, of course Domon is a martial artist piloting a gundam, but as I said, I talk about the gundam not the pilot okay.

      Well as C.Jin said long before, G Gundam series is way more like a mechanical DBZ.
      Try Gundam games, and you will know the differences of the gundams.

      oh and please correct your 'stupid' words that you said before, it's way better for you :D.

    6. oh again, it's from
      "As revealed by Gym Ghingnham and archived footage of the "Black History," the Turn A is responsible for the destruction of Earth's civilization. Built by an unknown party, the Turn A employs the "Moonlight Butterfly" system, a powerful attack that unleashes nanomachines across the world and destroys civilization."

      Wow you see that? destroy earth civilization! and you know what?
      Turn A series is thousand year after the G Gundam series, don't you think a way stronger than 'God Gundam' MS don't appear there and don't get destroyed???

      Try look at the other forums dude, most of them will say that Turn A is still an absolute winner among the gundams, they even give up trying to figure the no 1 strongest gundam. :)

    7. Dude I know G gundam focuses on Gundam fight but God gundam has some abilities too, to destroy a bunch of enemies and so your saying that god gundam can't destroy a bunch of MS or DA? and because of god gundam, The earth should be destroy already and All I want is to God gundam to be in this list and I'm just trying to compare the abilities of those two gundams!! and I know A lot of MS uses guns and weapon but God gundam can just dash to them and destroy them one by one and god gundam has some long range abilies to destroy them in a distance and God gundam has the " Hyper Mode" that turns every gundam that has this ability to become invincible... and I hope you know the meaning of invincible!!:D haha and sorry about the stupid ^^

    8. and in the end of the show, all of gundams in the series are fighting some gundam heads and it's a real war.

  87. WoW! everyone is almost talking about god gundam haha but can we just talk about unicorn gundam??? (^_^)

  88. Turn A also possess the ability to warp beam shots directly into enemy cockpits with unspecified limitations. It is confirmed that beam shots with outputs exceeding this beam warping ability's power consumption are not able to be warped by Turn A. Also teleportation is also noted (which only occurs in the novel of dark history and never shown in the series itself, nor are they firmly placed in canon.).

    1. Thanks for copy and paste gundam wikia

    2. I just want to show the information

  89. Dude G gundam can break the law of physics so they can just break the law of physics and kill anyone else!!! and turn A's cockpit is too open for enemies so.....

  90. hmmm How about infinite justice??? I think it's as powerful as the strike freedom

    1. infinite justice is better than the strike freedom - the strike freedom is good, but no where near number 4 in the entire multiverse.

  91. why is it so quiet? ^_^

  92. God gundam should replace the four on the list but not TURN A because we all know thats the most powerful gundam! AGREE???? ^____^

    1. turn a isn't the most beautiful gundam but it is so op so it has to be number 1 - the only thing that could even stand a chance is the 00 quanta, which is number two - strike freedom sucks, the zabanya piloted by lockon stratos does a much better job at killing multiple targets.

  93. C.Jin!!!!!!! say something!!!!!!

    1. I'd like to but there's so much activity going on in this post, I can barely keep up. So far I can see that the God Gundam is a favorite to replace either the number 4 or 5 spot. I will consider this and possibly make a change if I'm convinced enough. Though before that, people need to start talking about the Unicorn, because I'm more concerned about it replacing Hi-nu on the list.

    2. remove the strike freedom - it sucks ass, the unicorn can control any sort of remote control weapon with the help of the ntd system - hi nu has guards against this but the strike freedom does not, also consider the beginning 30 gundam - saw how it raped other mobile suits from the entire multiverse?

  94. ill put my 2 cents in
    1. i read comments about this earlier and people should try 2 understand this... C.JIN since thsi is ur blog I seen u state ur opinion on tthis subject and i do respect ur opinion...But EW Gundams are ment 2 be interpeted as the original gundams...what ever u give zero credit for doing it was be given 2 Custom...In the movie they reanimated what the old gundams did with the new therefore they are the matter if the EW gundams are missing equipment u are suppose 2 treat their specs the is meant 2 be interpeted as the EW gundams are tge orginals...something like zero never existed it was always custom...besides since zero custom is wht we are talking....wat does zero have tht custom dosent a shield and neo bird mode...i have yet know a shield 2 be the deciding factor in a gundam fight...u either can use the sword 2 guard melee or u can just dodge and move there are plenty of CQC gundams tht dont have a shield and still accel in combat...Neo bird mode lol is useless...considering the fact tht insted of zero using the mode 2 catch up to the astriod before blowing it up, custom simply used its wings without transforming 2 do the same thing and blow up the astriod....witch means custom has the speed and mobility of bird mode at all times.... anothet point zero fired of many buster fifle shots so can Custom they are the same....the orginals never existed 2 say
    2. this is my list
    1. Turn A
    2. Zero custom
    3. 00 quad or whatever they call the lastest model
    4. GOD
    5. Nu gundam

    3. now ill explain a little
    Fact is turn A does hav the most going for it and has the most intangibles moon light butter fly, cockpit lazers, nukes and self regneration it is the most powerful but by no means do i give the 00 or Custom no chance of winning.........part 1 (FANG KING)

    1. Dude I bet God gundam is more powerful than wing zero or custom in a straight one on one fight but I think wing zero is powerful because of it's fire power and I think every gundam is no match on God gundam in a straight one on one fight because it has all the ability of defense and it doesn't even need a shield and that proves that God gundam is powerful and God gundam can turn into a invincible gundam. And he even destroy the gundam that can match turn A.

    2. no wrong ever read Battlefield of Pacifists its the filler manga that explains why the Gundams are changed from the series to the movie

  95. I think this list is all about which gundam can destroy a lot of mobile suit and that has the most firepower that can destroy a lot of Mobile suits

  96. Has nobody considered the 00 quanta fused with the ELS themselves in that appeared in the final part of the movie?It was said that that gundam cannot be terminated due do the regenerative abilities of of the aliens and it had a new upgrade with the four wings that floats on its back. (Plus setsuna turned immortal as well)

    1. yeh but he can't use the gundam anymore

    2. of course he can, you nutsack, he's also fused with the els!

  97. Replace Strike Freedom into top 5 and then put God gundam in no. 4

    1. beginning 30 could absolutely destroy the god gundam

    2. Can you explain it! because your making a mistake

  98. I think Banshee is more powerful than unicorn hehe

    1. banshee has no box system so their is no improvement over time.

  99. I kinda that god gundam is stronger than wing zero because wing wing zero is only
    strong because of it's buster rifle but what if he got unarmed? he is pretty useless if you think about it and i know that he has the zero system but still and I agree that god gundam can be even the top 2 and the others

    1. oww yeh I forgot that all gundams has reaction time but God doesn't have that because he uses the mobile trace system so god gundam can make a move faster than the other

    2. but the zero system can predict what is going to happen before it happens - reaction time doesn't matter if you get killed first (twin buster rifle glory!!!)

    3. But God gundam has a high level of agility that he can dodge any kinds of attacks and the zero system doesn't predict whats gonna happened, it increases the abilities of the pilot and the zero system shows whos the enemy of the pilot

  100. How about doing a list of the top 5 copy char or in better terms best char look a like

    1. i would make the blog more as a "who does the most justice to the char archetype"? this is because there are many characters who are very close to char in design but they aren't exactly doing char justice....

    2. Yeah I like the way I said it better because if we go by what character give him the most justice people will just say full frontal since he is char's clone how about best char persona
      God that doesn't sound right ether
      Best top 5 other char

  101. Anyone Home??? -_-

  102. What about the Dark Gundam I know what your thinking "no it was defeated by god gundam" well for the record yah it was but it took the rest of the suffle alliance to defeat it all in super mode
    In turms of ra power it's in matched of corse it has Vulcan cannons in the head duh almost all gundams do but on top of that it uses instant regeneration Regeneration can absorb or corup other gundams also when at full form it was bigger than earth can generate new limbs and parts Not to Mencken because of that it can adapt to any battle and evolve
    The only reason y the alianse were able to defeat it was that A kyocis body was running out of streath
    And B it needed Domon as a pilot

    1. Only the end of this paragraph is wrong only master Asia wanted domon as the pilot at the end it was said that a female is the pilot needed because females are the symbols of rebirth and it needed to be reborn into its ult. Form thuse rain was the host pilot of dark Gundam but when domon took her back the dark gundam lost its power to continue rebirth

  103. NO your wrong!!! first, what are you talking about it got defeated by hyper mode of all the shuffle alliance, I think your talking about the Grand master gundam(Main generator)but when domon left and look for rain, it self-recover and then domon faced the dark gundam and when rain got out of the dark gundam, it became more powerful and revealed a more evil and powerful gundam

    1. and by the way, did you watch the last episode of G gundam because Domon was being easy at the dark gundam because rain was itself and that's why he doesn't want to break it apart because he'll hurt rain and I think your right that Dark gundam is one of the most powerful gundam because it can swallow the whole entire world

    2. No domon is not the needed pilot for devil gundam episode domon vs argo wong said allenby would be a better pilot (note the reason for this is later explained in the series) after the gundam fight when ulube took the devil gundam and Wong's research notes on the devil gundam saying that a person with the power to give life is the needed pilot that being a female and rain for being the only female at the time

      the shuffle alliance then defeated grand master gundam together but did not help defeat devil gundam

      domon left them to save rain as they kept fighting the re-resurrected grand master gundam and domon and rain defeated devil gundam with the erupting god finger sekiha love love tenkyoken

  104. WoW finally!!!!! someone talked ';..;'

  105. Guys! god gundam has a small version of moonlight butterfly!! why?? because when it turns into hyper mode and when he fly around it destroy everything in his path
    and god gundam is hella fast that he can just turn into hyper mode and just fly around to destroy his enemy but I'm not saying that god gundam can beat turn A but I don't know if he can or maybe he can

  106. If only turn A wasn't created, this argument will be more interesting T^T

  107. I really have no idea how anyone can argue against Turn A. It is the end all be all of gundams. So what if you have the zero system? Doesn't save you from the moonlight butterfly. or even a beam warped into your head. The closest thing that would even come to posing a threat to it is the God Gundam and even THAT is questionable. It can be as powerful as it wants and have as many crappy shounen ideals going for it, but in the end the Turn A still has far superior stats and abilities that would render the God Gundam useless. Unless it has an answer for getting a beam warped into the cockpit or a way to stop the moonlight butterfly, it's not superior to the Turn A.

    And hell if we're going with series logic rather than looking at the specs of the mech, take this into account. They had to have a complete NOOB pilot the Turn A through the series JUST TO MAKE THE FIGHTS FAIR. Had someone with skills akin to Amuro been inside that thing most battles would have been over before they even began.

    1. I know whoe can beat Turn A . . . . . . . . GOKUU!!!! I know I know hes not a gundam but if only his was the pilot of the God Gundam it will be hella powerful haha, The combination of Goku and the gundams power haha imagine that ^^

  108. i think that the unicorn should have been on the list as it can control psycommu weapons - it would kick both hi nu and strike freedom's asses because they rely on their remote control weapons - also, could beginning 30 gundam be on the top 5 - i mean, it has probably the best usage of i field and it was utterly untouchable in gunpla builder's beginning g - it is quite possibly strongest well balanced suit designed.

  109. c.jin, you should probably make a top ten strongest non gundam mobile suits list - brave commander test type, sinanju, tallgeese 3, gnx xiv, nighting gale, you know, the good stuff.

  110. if the wing zero or 00 q fire first, it's all over.

  111. someone tell me why the beginning 30 and unicorn aren't present and the hi nu and strike freedon are!!!!

  112. c.jin answer me why the beginning 30 gundam isn't on the list - replace the hi nu with the unicorn and then the strike freedom with the beginning 30 gundam?

    1. cjin, ANSWER UP ABOUT THE BEGINNING 30 - i know that you're already going to put up the unicorn

  113. how about the gundam age 3? it could hypothetically hold off the turn a for a period of time, leave, transfer battle data to the age system, and have the age builder create a counter measure to the turn a's moonlight butterfly - hell the age builder could make countermeasures to every single mobile ever...

    1. Yeah unless the moonlight butterfly is activated when it is near

  114. to: kira and the strike freedom
    from: stratos and the zabanya


    1. agreed - the targeting seems so much better and the rifle and shield bit are so much more versatile and powerful than the strike freedom's. neither should be in the top 5 but the zabanya could totally kick the strike freedom's ass.


  116. banshee is an inferior suit to the original unicorn as it does not have the black box system that overtime allows access to more and more of the unicorn's features.

  117. Cjinn say something like whats your plan and what changes are you gonna do and we didn't hear anything from you for a while so please say something

    1. c.jin caught cold feet?

    2. Or has a lot of school work college isn't for the faint of heart

  118. Who ever start talking about the weak gundam named "BEGINNING GUNDAM" DUDE!! FUCK OFF!!!! your soooo Fucking annoying!
