
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Top 5 Antagonist Mobile Suits

One thing I love about the Gundam universe is that it is never short of memorable villains. Sometimes, the villains even outshine the protagonists. Because of this, the villains often leave behind an equally memorable mobile suit that is not entirely outdone by the titular Gundam. In this list, I will be counting down some of the most memorable and iconic mobile suits belonging to antagonists in the Gundam metaverse. While this isn't a list for comparing power, each mobile suit's abilities are taken into account, as their lasting impression is often owed to some powerful abilities.

5. Turn X

"What?" you ask, as you shake your fist angrily. Many of you will wonder about this entry, but that is exactly why the Turn X is so under-rated and unnoticed. The truth is, the Turn X is one of the most powerful mobile weapons in the Gundam metaverse. Its powers are on-par with its rival, the Turn A Gundam, which many consider to be the most powerful Gundam ever. The reason for this is that it is also capable of using the Moonlight Butterfly, which is a devastating attack that can potentially reduce all of the world's technology into sand. While its design may seem peculiar to you, there's no doubt that one must respect its potential as a world-ending antagonist. It merely falls short of being as iconic as the rest of the entries on this list.

4. RX-78GP02A Gundam Physalis

What a monstrous Gundam. Piloted by the villainous Anavel Gato, it holds an intimidating bazooka designed to fire nuclear warheads. Gato actually manages to use it too, nuking the majority of a Federation fleet. Its heavy armor is designed to withstand its own nuclear explosion, and Gato's skills allow him to fly circles around Kou and his Gundam while beating away at him with the beam sabre and a side of vulcan gun. Clearly, the Physalis is as dangerous as it is big. With its unique design and devastating use of nukes, the Gundam Physalis is definitely one of the most memorable villain mobile suits from the U.C. era.

3. Tallgeese

Probably didn't see this coming, did you? The Tallgeese is a personal favorite of mine, and for reasons more than its sleek white design. The Tallgeese is what I would consider an underdog of sorts. In a series where the main characters are absolutely devastating everything, it's obviously hard to be a villain and stand out. The Tallgeese manages to do just that, however. Despite being several decades out of date, this white mobile suit challenges the Gundam pilots and matches their strength. It's particularly known for its speed; ordinary pilots are unable to survive its speed due to the massive amount of G-forces. Zechs Marquise pilots it to its full potential, zipping across the battlefield in a flash and leaving smoldering scraps. Like it or not, this is definitely one of the top antagonist mobile suits, and one of my personal favorites.

2.  AMX-004 Qubeley

The Qubeley, as strange as it looks, is an iconic villain mobile suit. To begin with, it is the personal mobile suit of Haman Karn, one of my top Gundam girls and antagonists. The Qubeley was revolutionary because it was the first mobile suit to feature a fully miniaturized Psycommu system, making it one of the first and most formidable Newtype mobile suits. This machine was basically one of the most advanced mobile suits during Zeta Gundam, and it wreaked havoc for the heroes of AEUG, continuing on to challenge Judau and the ZZ Gundam as well. I think its greatest claim to fame was its victory over Char and his Hyaku Shiki. Only Amuro Ray can relate to this feat. Spanning over two Gundam series with a phenomenal list of achievements, the Qubeley is easily a top antagonist mobile suit.

1.  MSN-04 Sazabi

I actually had to choose between the Sazabi and Char's Custom Zaku II, and I ultimately went with the Sazabi. All I knew was, the number one spot had to be one of Char's mobile suits. Why? Because Char Aznable is the greatest Gundam villain of all time. The reason I chose the Sazabi is because it represents a number of things. Just like the Nu Gundam did for Amuro, the Sazabi represents the peak of Char's abilities, as it was specifically designed to match his piloting prowess and newtype abilities. Though, more importantly, it marks the ending of an era. This is the last mobile suit Char Aznable pilots before disappearing with Amuro. It is as iconic for representing Char as it is for representing the end of the legendary Char-Amuro rivalry. For its ferocious power and lasting impact on the U.C. universe, it gets its place at the number one spot on this list.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. Tallgeese? Well, I hate Thrones but isn't Epyon whole lot better?

    and Sazabi always a legend ^^

  2. @ Anonymous, The Arche was much better than the thrones; and Epyon did not make much of a damage since it appeared later in the series...

    And speaking of Arche...

    @ C.Jin, Mind giving Arche a special mention for being the most badass close-range antagonist mobile suit?

  3. No love for the Reborns?

  4. I made this around the time 00 came out...
    ...but yeah I have no love for the reborns honestly.

  5. Totally agreed to the list :D
    Just spent my whole day reading through your blog, its great to find another gundam enthusiast who really knows the stuff.

    My favourite antagonist suit outside UC universe would be Tallgeese III. The baby's fitted to whip some ass!

    Come to think of it, my favourite UC antagonist MS now would be Sinanju(used to be Gouf Custom). Guess I'm just too attached to Gundam Unicorn at the moment, but it really meant a lot to me when Sunrise finally accounced the release of the series. I was full of joy, and so far the series is going strong. I really like it!

  6. The physalis' armor was made to withstand the blast of the nuke not close range combat its designed to fly in shoot the nuke close range survive and its powerful thrusters were to take it out fast the beam saber and vulcans were just for incase situations gato is what made it great at close range and sazabi deosnt have fin funnels it just has more advanced ones fin funnels are amuros design for the nu gundam tho most thought they were for coolant purposes

  7. Turn X, you never had the love you deserved - even though you can basically kick all protagonist gundams's butt.

    Reborns? this is the only gundam that can outclass the overpowered 00 Raiser

    Sunanoo? yet another mobile suit that can par with 00 raiser

    for AGE universe - we have Zeydra and Kronos

    Nightingale? when Hinu can e listed why Nightingale can't?

    Unicorn Banshee? I'm pretty sure this thing does not belong to the light side.

  8. Peeeeople, let's please remember to note the date these things are posted...

  9. Sinanju anyone???

  10. Hey!! No hamman's qubeley and scircco's The 0??? Those two can beat the shit out of tallgeese and have a more villanious feeling than zeong. Hamman defeated char/quattro in hyaku shiki and scircco put kamille in a vegetative state.... But I love zeong anyway...
    But you deed mention Mr. Cjin in one of your posts that hamman is one of the most badass female characters in the gundam universe

    Anyway, I also love sinanju but it can never surpass sazabi in terms badassery. It will always remain a shadow. Besides, even that is has a better mobility, sinanju lacks fin funnels. About banshee there are still two episodes to showcase it's abilities also considering who pilots it wc. Is riddhe and marida.

    1. I AM in the process of revamping every one of these lists after getting a better knowledge of the Gundam lore, and you actually pointed out the one entry I kind of regret. The Zeong is legendary, but not entirely popular. Very silly in every way, and you gave me some good suggestions to replace them. Qubeley and O....

    2. sazabi doesn't have fin funnels just better (normal) funnels my god do they even look like Armuro's no they are regular funnels.
      I just feel like this should be pointed out.
      and yeah maybe the O and Qubeley may seem more villainous but I personally felt the suits weren't so dangerous but the pilots who were inside them that made them badass as to if they can beat the tallgeese im at odd ends of that but zechs himself gave me goosebumps and with the tallgeese I felt like he would just own the AC universe after that it was like the perfect combination of man and machine those two and I have never felt like that for anyone other than char himself to remove that on the list or to replace it with the O or Qubeley would be an insult to the gundam fanbase.
      but hey you maybe a UC fan and see it as a large toy your point of view and I respect that.

    3. The O's pretty good, but I still like Messala more. Pretty much agree with this list, though- although I think that in terms of impact rather than power the Psyco Gundam is a better choice than the Qubeley- could just be me, though

  11. As of June 26, 2012, I've completely re-written this post! I've taken fan responses into consideration and made some changes as well.

  12. I loved the Turn-X. Having a much more offense-oriented armaments compared to the Turn-A (beside the Moonlight Butterfly) to the point of it being extremely deadly even without the genocide weapon, and piloted by the cheesy, hammy, over-the-top awesome Gym Ginghanam. The Turn-X is my #1, with Sazabi being #2.

    Nice list, I liked it :).

  13. I think it should be nightingale instead of sazabi.

  14. epyon... the demon gundam

    1. Epyon was a close contender, I had to pick the Tallgeese over it though.

  15. aww no master Gundam

    1. It was on the list before the revision. You can consider it a close 6th, as it just barely got beat out by the Turn X.

  16. you forgot to put gundam Legilis from Gundam Age

  17. Sinanju anyone, it is identical to the Sazabi and is damn powerful, it took out a whole BATTLESHIP by itself O_O

  18. I know you must update this list when Sinanju came out
