
Friday, January 18, 2013

Top 5 Transformable Mobile Suits

In this list, we'll be counting down the top 5 transformable mobile suits in the Gundam metaverse. Let's specify the definition. A transformable mobile suit is a mobile weapon that has two modes: a mobile suit mode, and a mobile armor mode. We'll be narrowing this down to the smaller, faster mobile suits, so giant mobile weapons like the Psycho Gundam will not be included.

The criteria for this list will be the usual. I will primarily be looking at the mobile suit's lasting impact as a transformable unit, but I will also be focusing on the 'wow factor' of its design. Does this mobile suit do the category any justice, or was it just a waste of resources? How impressive is its transformation, mobile suit mode, and mobile armor mode? These are some of the questions I will be asking. Remember that this is not a list counting down power. Also, there are a handful of transformable units in Gundam so if your favorite gets snubbed, just give a shout out in the comments section.

5. GW-9800-B Gundam Airmaster Burst

The Airmaster Burst is the premiere transformable Gundam in Gundam X. It is a highly under-rated design because Gundam X itself is very under-rated. The Burst is an upgrade over the original Airmaster; I chose it due to its vastly improved speed and firepower. Take a look at its mobile armor mode; that's a lot of guns. From its sleek blue color scheme to its unmatched air superiority, the Airmaster Burst really impresses as a transformable mobile suit. Unfortunately, I couldn't give it a higher spot because its lasting impact was minimal compared to the rest of the entries.

4. GNX-903VS Brave

It was difficult deciding which member of the Flag family I would include, but I had to go with the latest and most advanced: the Brave. I wrote in a previous article about how the Braves were the best part about the Trailblazer movie, and I still stand by that opinion. The way they tore through crowds of ELS to save Celestial Being's ass was, needless to say, incredibly epic. I've always appreciated the Flag series, not just for its sleek designs, but also for its underdog status among the more advanced mobile suits. The Sol Brave squadron best represented this incredibly memorable line of transformable mobile suits, which is why they deserve a spot on this list.

3. RGZ-95 ReZEL

The ReZEL is Londo Bell's latest attempt at mass-producing the Zeta Gundam (they never stop trying do they). Out of all of the mass-produced mobile suits in the U.C. universe, I find the ReZEL to be the most impressive in terms of design. My first thought upon seeing it was: "Finally, a grunt unit that isn't completely overshadowed by the Gundam". The katoki-esque design and dark-blue color scheme are undeniably eye-catching. It is also formidable in terms of performance specs, but it ends up doing very little besides getting torn apart by the Kshatriya. Its potential was disappointingly unrealized, which is why it is stuck here at the 3 spot.

2. XXXG-01W Wing Gundam

As it turns out, the highly recognizable Wing Gundam is also a transformable mobile suit. Its impact is rather obvious; it is the title Gundam of Wing, and it serves as the main character's personal mobile suit until the halfway point. The thing that gives it its edge over the Wing Zero and Epyon is its mobile armor mode, appropriately called "Bird Mode". Unlike a lot of other transformable designs, the bird mode looks properly aerodynamic. The shield and rifle nose gives it a stream-lined look, and the wings give it the speed and mobility needed to dominate the air. It even has little talons on its forearms. Despite having an awkward transformation sequence (the shield and rifle just float in mid-air), the Wing Gundam really stands out as one of the best transformable mobile suits in Gundam.

1. MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam

Of course, we can't have a list about transformable mobile suits without including the pioneer. The thing that's amazing about the Zeta Gundam is that its design still impresses after all this time. Just look at the Real Grade of this Gundam to see what I mean. Anyway, the Zeta Gundam is undeniably the most revolutionary transformable mobile suit in U.C. (and possibly all of) Gundam history. It pioneered the design itself, and paved the way for dozens of similar transforming units.

The ZZ Gundam was based on the Zeta Gundam, as was the S Gundam, the Re-GZ, the ReZEL, and the Zeta Plus line. This is a testament to its influence; every generation of U.C. technology tried to emulate the success of the Zeta Gundam at some point. And indeed, it was quite successful; Kamille's design allowed the Zeta to transition seamlessly from waverider to mobile suit mode, doing away with any doubts about the drawbacks of having a transformation. Thanks to its timeless design and massive impact, the Zeta Gundam earns an undisputed top spot on this list.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. Ah Zeta, the suit that gave the model department headaches for years. I'm glad the movies show its transformation in more detail since I was confused about how it worked in the series.

    Despite being useless, I have to admit the designs of the Murasame and Saviour Gundam from Seed Destiny were pretty nice. The Arios is a personal favorite as well.

    1. Lol yes, I did hear about how difficult it was for them to get the transformation down for models.

      I'm glad you mentioned some of your favorites; I was close to doing an honorable mentions entry, but decided not to at the last minute. I would've included several mobile suits including the Aegis and Kyrios.

  2. honestly (it might even be a little blasphemous but - ) my favorite mobile suit of the entire meta series is graham aker's blue sol brave. graham aker made a name for underdogs. the sol brave almost redeemed the 00 movie.

  3. Yeah, Zeta is always my favorite transformable mobile suits. Savior and Arios Gundam is favorite too. Too bad Arios or Haruta Gundam didn't make top 5. It will funny if Abulhool Gundam make it. Aegis, Gaia, Abyss, Chaos Gundam is unique transformable. Delta Gundam, Plus and Kai are same transformable as well.

  4. I don't like the regular Harute Gundam but absolutely love the Marute mode with the GN boosters attached. It really completes the suit I think. Kinda sucks Bandai didn't make a model for it.

  5. ;D thank u cjin for making this list :D I was so happy to see this

    1. Lol your welcome! Glad you appreciate it

  6. I really think the savior gundam should be in this list because 1. It looks awesome, suit and jet (whatever it is) 2.It`s extremely fast and has a whole bunch of weapons (for me) and 3. It`s red.

  7. Hey Cjin, I`m glad you went with my suggestion, I can`t believe that the rezel, one of my favorite suits, made it!!!

    1. Take it as proof that I listen to comment suggestions! But yeah, Rezel is also one of my favorite designs so there's no way I'd leave it out!

  8. C.Jin, I would think the Regenerate Gundam should be on this list as 1. It has a Neutron Jammer Canceller, 2. It has a Lightcraft Propulsion System 3............ you kind of get it do you. -_-

  9. Would Reborns Gundam count as a transformable Gundam? It has a Gundam and Cannon mode.

    1. I guess it does count as transformable, but I wasn't going to include it anyway. Not particularly fond of the Reborns...

  10. Hey C.Jin, I have a great idea, Top 5 SHIELDS in Gundam :D. Sinanju's obviously 1st!!!

    1. Can't believe I didn't think of that until now. I might get started on that in the near future. Thanks for the idea!

    2. Dang, I expected you to answer weeks later XD. Your welcome C.Jin. I do change alias a lot though XD.

  11. If you ask why I comment here, I suggested this list, I just usually go with different alias, Physalis, Exia, Quanta, Blitz, and other Gundam shields might outclass Sinanju's sadly. D:

  12. No transformable MS (TMS) list can be considered complete without mentioning the Gaza series:

    By U.C. 0087, the AMX-003 Gaza C was the first mass production TMS, and for many years it remained the most mass produced TMS with at least 250-300 units deployed just during the Gryps conflict. Unfortunately it did have its shortcomings, such as a flawed transformation system that could only be used a few times before breaking down, but this issues were corrected in the AMX-006 Gaza D, which as an added bonus included a much needed increase in firepower through the addition of missile launchers and extra beam guns, leading the Gaza D to eventually replace the AMX-003. this is most noticeable by the end of ZZ when the Gaza C has become scarce and the Gaza D appears in huge numbers. Supposedly by U.C. 0096 some remaining Gaza C are used in MA mode as turrets in Palau.

    The Zeta movies gave the AMX-007 Gaza E the much needed cameo that would more or less officialize it. Unlike other Gaza units, this one was supposed to be a support type that could even carry another MS on top of it within the Earth's atmosphere, much like the intended role of the RAS-96 Ankusha.

    Last, but not least, there's the AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn, which was a large departure from the previous Gaza units and is classified as an offensive MS. For its transformation mechanism, the legs of the Ga-Zowmn split open reveling additional thrusters for higher mobility in MA form, while its arms have weapons and thrusters which allow it to operate them pretty much like the Gaplant's binders (minus the shields). It also came in sniper flavor in the form of the AMX-008B Ga-Zowmn Gunner Type.

  13. this is probably included when you say zeta, but my favorite transformation ever is the zeta plus c1 hummingbird.

  14. I think you left off Kyrios, 3rd Gen Transformable Gundam. From an engineering standpoint, it has arguably the best or one of the best sleek designs that match aerodynamics theoretically. In addition, it has simple maneuvers for transforming and is much easier to redesign for enhancements (Gunpla).
