
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Top 5 Big Guns in Gundam

I've already listed the Top 5 Melee Weapons in Gundam, so it's only proper that I list the ranged weapons of Gundam. Now, I say ranged, but I'm specifically referring to weapons held by mobile suits; stationary and battleship weapons do not count. This list is dedicated to the largest, most over-the-top guns in Gundam history. A prerequisite for this list is obviously power, but note that the list does not put them in order of power. The order will be determined by other things like its impact on the series, its stylishness, and my personal opinion.

5. GN Bazooka

The GN Bazooka is the Gundam Virtue's main weapon in Gundam 00. The Virtue is a heavily-armored, heavily armed type mobile suit that uses a "just aim, and fire" strategy in battle. To keep things short, the GN Bazooka is basically a high-powered beam cannon that charges via GN particles and fires a massive holy-crap beam. Just take a look at the video.

Need I say more?

4. Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher

Just so they could get their point across, they decided to call this thing the 'Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher'. The whole name is redundant twice and sounds like something a grade-schooler made up, but that's just how powerful it is. The Hi-Nu Gundam is already one of the most versatile mobile suits in U.C. history, and this happens to be its most powerful weapon. The launcher connects to the Battleship Ra Cailum's power reactor as it requires massive amounts of energy. In a single shot, it was able to break off part of the asteroid Axis. That is enough of a testament of its power.

3. Atomic Bazooka

You don't see tactical nuclear warheads used very often in Gundam, and that's mostly because the super weapons tend to be uber beam cannons instead of conventional weapons. Though, in the few moments that nukes have been used, they've been devastating. The most memorable instance is when Anavel Gato used one in Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. With the stolen Gundam Physalis, he fires its unique Atomic Bazooka toward a Federation fleet and completely obliterates it. It was a chilling sight of destruction to be sure. Ammunition may be limited, but you only need one shot when it comes to tactical warheads. 

2. Satellite Cannon

The Satellite Cannon is basically a portable weapon of mass destruction. It is the GX's primary weapon in After War Gundam X. Its power is so devastating that you can pretty much count on everything in its path to be incinerated. One shouldn't expect anything less from an over-the-top death laser, after all. Though, in exchange for power, the Satellite Cannon has a lengthy preparation process. 

It first contacts a space station on the moon, and has it send microwaves that the GX absorbs to charge its Satellite Cannon. It then proceeds to charge for about 5 minutes. Considering how long a single sequence is, the GX would need a distraction or a hiding spot in order to use this weapon. Still, the end result makes it kind of hard to complain. Note that this weapon was instrumental in bringing about the post-apocalyptic world that Gundam X is set in. The Satellite Cannon has everything else beat in sheer firepower.

1. Twin Buster Rifle

Here's where personal bias comes in. Personally, I feel that there's never been a rifle more epic than the Twin Buster Rifle, used by the Wing Gundam Zero in Gundam Wing. The buster rifle was built with one strategy in mind: one shot kill. That's why the original buster rifle only had enough ammunition for three shots. The twin buster rifle is a vast improvement. It is two equally powerful buster rifles that can attach and separate into dual rifles. It doesn't seem to be limited by the limited ammo of the first buster rifle, firing controlled bursts rather than full-auto beams. When split in two, the Wing Zero can perform its signature move, where it holds both guns to the side and fires in a full circle.

Of course, the important thing about this weapon is its obnoxious power. Single shots destroy several mobile suits at a time, and concentrated shots do crazy things like destroy a piece of the battleship Libra and tear through several layers of underground shelter designed to withstand nuclear war. Watch the clip above. The rifle blasts are so powerful that the Gundam itself starts blowing apart due to consecutive concentrated shots. Obviously, the Twin Buster Rifle does not beat the other guns in power, but it sure beats them out in style.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. Didn't expect Virtue's GN Bazooka to make it in the top 5... but who teh heck cares; TBR FTW! Wohooo!!!

  2. I didn't know much about Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher since I am not too familiar with the novel version of CCA, but it sort of reminds me of a huge gun Gundam Dynames used once in one episode. TBR and Satellite cannon are simply the greatest!

  3. What about the Turn A Gundam's beam rifle at full strength?

    More powerful than a colony laser?

    1. lol as if they gonna wait it to charge at full strength, the list is definitely better, even Twin Satellite Cannon fires faster than that

  4. I think this list needs a minor revision considering the fire power of Raphael and/or 00-Qan[T]

    1. Qan T? it says guns not beam swords u dumbfuck
      and raphael? come on not even close to Freedom Meteor then you gonna level it with TBR and TSC, come see a doctor first

  5. @Anonymous
    I'm trying to avoid things that are plain overkill that exist for the sake of being everything in the Trailblazer movie

    1. Yea,even a brave commander/standard beam rifle has more fire power than virtue's beam bazooka

  6. psshhhh,gundam 00 surely ruined the gundam franchise, its not the usual gundam "thing" seriously man, i am a really gundam fanatic, but this ? 00 movie contact aliens, super power like tech, the creator should just call the show super robots 00 than gundam, ruining it with male cross dressed as female, humiliating, worse story line and i know all the gundam series has a main protagonist but the rest of the series shows the other characters feats and abilities as good as the main character, but 00 seriously "setsuna this and that" it really annoys me, and the movie delayed the seed upcoming movie, and ACE is kinda awesome eventhou its kinda kiddish but its like victory gundam, well its better than 00 gundam(wanna wing gundam show).

    1. If cross dressing is an issue loran is an issue

    2. You say you're a fan.
      But as surely as your words claim they prove the claim false.
      You claim you understand the usual gundam "thing"
      But you clearly dont understand the essence of gundam.

      Gundam 00 is so evocative of the underlying themes of all gundam series that it not only represents the mythos well, but makes a great starting place for first timers.

      Maybe you dont get it because your only focus is on giant mech suit probably dont understand the beauty of gundam build/try/dive either.
      You're no real fan if you can't understand the message of gundam.

      They try to eliminate war because technology has made it a threat to all civilization, and because its horrible.

      People on both sides of wars will fight for noble reasons, but everyone suffers and there's usually some shady rich monarchs behind it all callously prospering from the bloodshed.

      Miscommunication is also at the root of war.

      One day, mankind will evolve to meet the needs of life in space, a technologically advanced age, and they will learn to understand each other without miscommunication.

      Even with their super gundams they couldn't force an end to war, it took a major evolution, which this time came from contact with alien life (which gundam only leaves alone because its partner in rhyme, macross has got it handled). Being able to access quantum levels of existence brings an end to miscommunication, an end to war, where violence could not.

      It was as if the makers of gundam decided to package the full spirit of gundam into a single series so that it would be slow enough for people who dont have good attention spans or much insight to see what they've been saying across literally every other series.

      Except gundam build, which is all the mech suit battle glory without the pain and suffering of war...and if that wasn't beautiful enough to make you cry with joy then I say you're no fan like you claim!!

      Also, crossdressers, unlike you, Express themselves in a respectable way. Any chance you had of being considered insightful was lost by your backwards comment about it.

  7. you should put the sekiha tenkyoken hahaha JUST KIDDING ^^ it's even a gun haha

  8. They way the author put his words created some sense of ambiguity to the nature of this section, are we talking about the guns wielded by the gundams or just whatever big gun is available on every gundam universe? because if it's the former the title should be renamed "Top 5 big guns used by a Gundam"

    Double X's Sattalite cannon is far more powerful than Zero's twin buster rifle, as usual Wing Gundam is overrated again.

    Where's AGE 2's DODs Rifle? I'm pretty sure it's far more powerful than Virtue's GN bazooka. though I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the list not being updated long ago.

    as mentioned, Rafael's twin GN cannons - they're powerful enough to destroy europa which in nature is a massive ship

    and yeah 00 qan't's GN quantun sword which behaves exactly like Sattelite cannon. So it is hardly a giant beam sword like 00's TransAm sword at all. there's hardly any weapon that can outclass it except Moonlight Butterfly which is not a gun and mainly I'll put it in top 1 as it really looks badass when it busted three assimilated ESF ships and chopped the moon-sized ELS HQ that no twin buster rifle could ever do

    1. Never ask where something is, because the only answer is "not on this list". As usual, you misunderstand the point of these lists. That's why it's so important to read the intro paragraph. This is NOT a list about POWER. I just list my top 5 favorites, just like every other list. Again, it is NOT about POWER. I state this in the intro, and say specifically that I know the TBR is not as powerful as the Satellite Cannon. I appreciate your long comments, and it's unfortunate that they are usually misguided.

    2. Dude WTF the AGE-2's DODs rifle is way less powerful than Virtue's GN bazooka. Even the AGE-3's SigMaxiss rifle is less powerful than the GN bazooka. You obviously don't know about its maximum output (full burst mode) or you can't tell which is more powerful,which would be absurd, considering that Virtue can obliberate several mobile suits with one shot, while the AGE-2's DODs rifle is slightly more powerful than a regular beam rifle. The only mobile suit that could possibly match the firepower of virtue or exceed it would be the AGE-3 Fortress. Also, you can't really count 00 Quanta's giant sword since it is a beam saber anyway. I'm also pretty sure that the author based these weapons on how epic they are when used or how "classic" they are.

    3. He obviously didn't watch Age or OO

    4. here we go again with moonlight butterfly overrated shit, Qan can disable communications btw and cancel off that stupid broken wings.

    5. Hey author.
      You good.
      Just blast the haters with lasers
      And fly away on a starlight trail of palowski particles

    6. Hey ignorant author, gundam x or double x only needs 4.03 seconds to charge its satellite cannon, not 5 minutes moron

  9. why cant people read the intro? this list is not just for power alone. considering stylish and reliability. the twin buster rifle is on top of all. i don't know about others big powerful gun but the twin buster rifle is much more handy than others because other gundams equip with BFG mostly need to stay put in order to fire. but in a real battle, if you stop your dead. but wing zero's twin buster which can be shot while moving, improves its users survival rate and reducing the damage taken. also the longer you are in battle equip with that kind of destructive weapon, the more damage you'll deal with the enemy. it cant be as powerful as double X's satellite cannon(which i consider the most powerful)but its still a destructive and a terrifying gun.

    soory for my bad english.

  10. 00 fagots would hurt if they saw this.qan t the weakest gundam cannot survive any of this beams.

    1. You are just a hater. That you do not like it, it does not mean that it is weak.

  11. How about making Top 5 Gundams with Remote Weaponry :D

  12. Completely agree with 1-3. 4-5 not so much. I know its not purely based on power but what about ZZ gundam? It had 2 weapons that were never outclassed till the Victory gundam era. Sure Hi-nu had the hyper bazooka but it also needed to hook up to a battleship in order to fire it. ZZ had a 50 mw beam cannon in its head. Later on it get a power backpack and can use a 79 mw handheld cannon.

    I still think the head cannon is much cooler. Plus ZZ had a power output of 7340 kw vs Nu's 2980 kw (Unicorn's 3480 kw, F91's 4250 kw, Victory's 4780 kw or Wing Zero EW's 3732 kw). ZZ's onboard power output wasnt even outclassed till Victory 2's 7510 kw, 65 years later. I think ZZ deserves a spot based on style, power, and the impact it made because unlike a lot of these other weapons, it was used a fair amount.

  13. U forgot to mention the Twin buster rifle destroys SPACE COLONIES. Now that is OP

  14. How about Unicorn's beam Magnum? Pretty solid looking rifle that consumes so much energy and its very powerful.
    Buster's cannon and rifle are cool too. can combined to form a longer gun.
    Gadessa's Mega Cannon looks solid too.

  15. Should the RX-93-2 Hi-Nu Gundam's Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher be considered? You mention that you were going to consider the impact of the weapon on the series, but AFAIK that is not even canon.

    I find weapons like the MSZ-010's Hi-Mega Cannon, which is supposedly as powerful as a colony laser but in a much smaller area and more formidable. The MSZ-010 even powers it entirely on its own, which led the MS to have a power down similar to 00 Gundams after using The Trans-Am system.

    But if we are talking about big guns, I think that there are many other that deserve some recognition, such as the YMS-16M Xamel's massive 680mm cannon which needs to be filed during storage and which requires the MS to carry around a separate hovering module just for it.

    From 0083 we also have the MS-09F/TROP Dom Tropen's Raketen Bazooka, which is said to be 880mm caliber, a huge jump from the 360mm giant bazookas used by other Dom types. Unfortunately these weapons are never shown to have a destructive power proportionally larger than its 360mm cousins.

    The HGUC EMS-10 Zudah and The Origin OVAs Zakus also gave use the predecessors to beam rifles: anti-ship ballistic rifles, some even longer than the MS holding them is tall. These weapons are shown to be able to down even Magellan class battleships in just one or two shots.

    A favorite of mine is the infamous beam bazooka associated with the Rick Doms, which is not very famous but actually happens to be Zeon's earliest handheld beam weapon. Gundam Evolve confirmed that even a MS-06F can operate this weapon. Considering that even the Gelgoogs didn't get beam weapons until the last month of the war, meanwhile making use of stopgap measures such as the MS-14C generator-powered backpack beam cannon, I think it's of great significance for the Zeon forces which had been seeking ways to match the Gundam's beam weapons through other means ever since it first appeared.

  16. About the Twin Buster Rifle's power, there is still the six Messer Zwerg parts. Just three of the six Messer Zwergs were able to amplify the Twin Buster Rifle's power to insane or even impractical levels and I'm only talking about the Drei Zwerg Buster (three Messer Zwerg parts out of six). And then when all six are added to create the Drei Zwerg Doppelt, you can safely say that you've lost already. According to my sources, the Drei Zwerg Doppelt was able to deform the moon.

    1. too bad only few know about frozen teardrop, it would had been on this list for sure

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