
Monday, August 24, 2009

Top 5 Gundam Girls

No, I'm not talking about those creepy half girl/half Gundam artworks. This is the list for the top 5 female characters in the Gundam universe. Females usually vary greatly between Gundam series in terms of plot importance, so each girl will get their place for various reasons. One of the most important factors is how well they escape their tokenism. By that I mean, are they more than just eye candy? Each entry shines in a certain way, to make their character both attractive as a woman and competent as a person. Of course, having a high level of eye-candy also puts them higher on the list!

*Disclaimer: This list no longer reflects my views. It is very old and I do not plan on updating it any time soon.*

5.  Lacus Clyne

Sure, Lacus Clyne was a fairly annoying character at first, but as it turns out, she grows into a strong, capable leader that even exhibits the ability to go into Seed Mode. Though, her real attribute is of course the fact that she is uber-cute. Who doesn't love a pink-haired girl? Love her or hate her, Lacus is immensely popular Gundam girl and an ample addition to this list.

4. Sayla Mass

As a member of the original White Base crew, Sayla Mass can be considered the first Gundam girl. There are many other females aboard the White Base, but Sayla immediately stands out with her attractive, cute-blonde appearance and no-nonsense attitude. It takes a fair amount of time for her character to develop, but it turns out that she is actually the sister of legendary Char Aznable. Thus, she serves as a conflicted bridge between the heroes and antagonists. She also ends up piloting the Gundam a few times, and becomes the permanent pilot of the G-Fighter, proving she's more than just a token female. Sayla is definitely a top Gundam girl, and one of my favorites.

3. Haman Karn

In terms of character significance and power, Haman Karn can't be beat. She's a major villain in two Gundam storylines, and one of the only female villains at that. Haman Karn is a cold and ruthless leader who uses manipulation and charisma to get her way. Basically, she is a woman who knows how to get what she wants. She's also a powerful Newtype, and pilot of the Qubeley. While she seems to be nothing more than evil at first, side-stories based on her past reveal that she is simply a product of suffering and abuse at the hands of the Federation. Underneath her exterior is a woman who once had a deep compassion for people. With such a tragic and fleshed out story, it's hard not to respect the epic Gundam girl that is Haman Karn.

2. Sumeragi Lee Noriega

Don't let Sumeragi Lee Noriega's sexy businesswoman look fool you; as commander of Celestial Being, she is definitely no push-over. Sumeragi is a master strategist, and defies the normal limits of human thinking by planning complete mind-fucks in the middle of battle. It seems crazy at first, but it somehow always works. She is proof that intelligence is sexy. Oh, and she never seems to be appropriately dressed for combat. Her...assets are always in full view no matter what the situation. A big brain and an even bigger chest? That's a perfect 10 in my book. 

1. Rain Mikamura


While plenty of other Gundam girls have more character depth, Rain is what defines the Gundam girl. She has a sincere personality and a traditional feminine beauty that has men all over the world becoming attracted to her. But she's not just all looks either. Rain is a scientist and an engineer, so like Sumeragi Lee Noriega, she has the looks and the brain. Though unlike most female characters, she also pilots a Gundam, and is a fighter in the tournament. How often do hot girls have this many qualities? Finally, her love story with Domon is one of the only romances in Gundam that actually drives the plot. With all this in mind, it's hard not to acknowledge Rain Mikamura as the poster-girl for Gundam.

Check out my other Gundam Top 5 lists~


  1. Wow din know nena trinity can be that hot ^^. Rain in rising gundam was awesome, one of the first few mechs using arrows. Definitely no 1 for me.

  2. Great blog you have i'm looking forward to your next post!
    and mail me the pics dude ^_^

    im following your blogspot now =D
    check out and follow(if you would like to)my blog too!

  3. Sure thing, and thanks for compliments I appreciate it. I've sent you an email but I'll post the download link for the pics here in case anyone else wants them.

  4. hey can you send the original pictures to me? my email address is thanks!!

  5. I so friggin hate Nena Trinity! I mean, she killed off maybe a dozen people with one shot in season one (at that wedding) and killed Wang Liu Mei and her brother (although that chinese bitch had it coming).

    Why'd she have to be so schmokin hawt? Its no fair! btw kudos for putting Sumeragi on the list. Imagine, if you grabbed her tits, they wouldn't fit in the palm of your hand. Isn't that great?

  6. Dont Forget Haman defeated Char

  7. Lacus is to Chiaki Morosawa as Bella Swan is to Stephenie Meyer. She's the most overrated character in any of the Gundam shows.

    Cagalli is a better choice, as is Relena.

  8. Enil El should've been on this list

  9. great list! I'm glad ya added Nena Trinity to the mix, she was my fave female character from Gundam 00, so cute and spunky and yet so damn crazy! Perfect villainess, wish her role during season 2 had been bigger (god knows she was more interesting than Marie Halevy).

    1. He did? Well if he did he removed her later.

  10. whats the need for hentai-realted imagery

  11. ^ Sex sells. You'd be amazed how easy it is to get some attention with it.

  12. Marida Cruz, now! She beats any of the girls you mention here.

  13. I'm a bit surprised Christina McKenzie wasn't on this.

  14. Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!
    Marida Cruz ftw!

  15. Allenby Beardsley is not so bad as well

  16. i agree with him allenby over rain shes was hot and easily the best gundam female fighter in hand 2 hand combat.2 bad they put the berzerker on her smh

  17. As part of my movement to re-vamp all of my top 5 posts, I'm thinking to edit this list as well. I'm happy with most of it, but after finishing the currently released episodes of Gundam Unicorn, Marida Cruz DOES look like a good contender. see who she will replace...

  18. As of June 22, 2012, this post has been completely re-written for quality control.

  19. Crowley Hamon baby. She had but a brief appearance in the original Gundam, but to me, she defined the sexy female Gundam antagonists to come.

  20. Soma Peries/Marie Parfacy (they`re in the same body, just different personalities) because she pilots 5 ms, has 2 personalities, and is uber sexy.

    1. Soma is superior. Marie is a wimp.

  21. btw she pilots
    1.MSJ-0611-SP Tieren Taozi
    2.GNX-603T GN-X
    3.GNX-704T/SP Ahead Smultron
    4.GNR-101A GN Archer
    5.GN-011 Gundam Harute (Other pilot is Allelujah Haptism, Harute has two seats/cockpits)
    Answers from Gundam Wiki (Thanks)

  22. What about Diana and Khiel from Turn-A Gundam?

  23. Lacus Clyne: The most overrated character in the CE timeline, and of the entire Gundam franchise.

    1. I 2nd this. Lacus Clyne does not belong on that list. She's a walking Mary Sue with pretty much no character development outside of standing on her soap box and preaching to the world. I'm almost convinced she's a self-insert of the author at this point.

  24. Cagalli and Relena both utterly mop the floor with Lacus Clyne. This list is flawed in that regard

  25. Sayla MASS - the name turns me on, weird... but thats that.

  26. If you ask me, the only gundam girls that I like are the FF:

    1. Feltd Grace - her calm and caring personality is the reason why I like her.

    2. Tifa Adill - I have to admit her character design feels like it doesn't fit for a 90's anime, feels like it belong to 2005 or above anime. she looks like a human-sized doll. and her personality is pretty mysterious.

    3. Stellar Louisser - Stellar has a childish/innocent personality, but in battle field, she's a monster. for me she has one of the saddest death in the gundam series. the fact that a cute girl would end up dying in war is really sad. :(
    nonetheless, I really like her.

    4. Yurin L'ciel - Yurin reminds me of Tifa (I'm pretty sure you know why) like stellar she has one of the saddest death in the gundam series.

    5. Romary Stone - Yes Romary. I'm pretty sure most of you would ask me "Why the hell her?" well to answer that, it's because of her caring personality. (seriously it's rare to find friends like her IRL.)yes at first she may seem to be annoying because she keeps on chasing both Asemu and Zeheart's shadow. but at the end of Asemu's arc, both Asemu and Romary found a resolution and having confidence to themselves.

    so yeah, there you go, my top 5 female characters in Gundam. I'm pretty sure most of you would dislike my list, but hey I respect your opinion, so you should too. :)

    1. I only agree with you from 1,2 and 3

  27. How is Lady Une not here? She's coolness personified. She's also sexy without being sexualised, unlike most of the other girls here.

  28. Can't believe diana soreil from turn A gundam is absent when the likes of lacus clyne is on the list

    1. Probably because he hasn't seen it yet.

  29. Luna maria from seed destiny? She's a good pilot in her zaku plus she's fuckin cute as all get out.

  30. Dude, your list totally sucks!

    There, with that out of the way, lets pick apart your choices and show exactly why your list sucks:

    5. Lacus Clyne

    ... She's a god damn Mary Sue, I dunno if you need any more than that. Well, that and she is annoying. Sure she gets better, better at being annoying. Also, Pink hair only works for evil girls.

    4. Sayla Mass

    She is a background character at best, that then is made into a plotpoint (Char sister) Only, as important as she supposedly were, she just magically with no explanation whatsoever, does not show up in Char's counterattack. If shew was so damn important, why was she put on a buss?

    3. Haman Karn

    Haman was a great pilot I'll give you that, but her plans weren't all that impressive and in truth she only seemed to survive her fights because of plot armor. Whenever she was defeated she just escaped. Her manipulative side shows that she's as much a whore as Flay was... only Char dumped her because he only liked her back when she was a loli and a jailbait.

    2. Sumeragi Lee Noriega

    Summeragi is a drunkard that cries and doesn't want to fight because FOUR people in her crew died. She is a weak-willed cowtitty old woman that lost her virginity to the rapist lolicon Birry. Her really are crazy and they ONLY work because the plot demands it. I will excuse her idiotic plans though as she most likely suffers from brain damage due to the oxygen ending up in her boobs instead of her brain.

    1. Rain Mikamura

    She might be a Gundam pilot, but she's hardly a very competent one. IN truth, all she does is moan and squirm in that rubber suit she wears. She is just meant as fanservice and as a love interest. Her importance to the story is only made so because she is stuffed/forced into the story so that Domon can have a woman. While she isn't exactly a Mary Sue, her skillset is waaaay to varied and special for her character to make any sense and feel as anything other than a Mary Sue. Again, she sin't actually a Mary Sue, but she has the feel of one. I mean common,,, she is a scientist, an engineer, a Gundam Pilot AND every man seems to have the hots for her despite her actually looking pretty boring in the anime? No, Rika isn't the poster girl for Gundam, she is the posterior girl for Gundam -- prove over and over again as the show always focused on her ass.

  31. So WHO is in YOUR opinion is top gundam girl?
