
Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Top 10 Sexiest Video Game Babes

Yeah, I had to make one of these.

So how does one really grade the "sexiness" of something composed entirely of computer-generated graphics? Well I'm taking a few things into account here (much like I did with my Top 5 Gundam Girls list). Appearance-wise, its easy to detect the sex appeal of something based on design. It's like calling a painting beautiful; I look at their designs as a work of art. With that, I also have to consider their character; are they competent? Are their personalities appealing? Some characters will have a lot more of one than the other, so it will all be based on my judgment.

10. Alicia

Though Bullet Witch was a pretty lackluster game, they made up its gameplay with a sexy lead in the form of Alicia. Alicia is a witch with a magical weapon that can change form and conjure magic spells, allowing Alicia to kick all kinds of demon ass. Power is always sexy for some reason, and the fact that she works those extra costumes like a pro really puts the whole image together. I'm loving that hot secretary look, especially...

9. The Girls of DOA

In all honesty, the Dead or Alive series is known for one thing: girls with bouncing breasts. While the gameplay was good enough to call it a decent fighting game, Dead or Alive made a name for itself with its adorable, big breasted women. They even had a bounce feature, which made breasts bounce uncontrollably. I couldn't choose one girl because to me, they are all interchangeable in terms of looks and only differentiate with hair style and color. That's alright, they are also all equally hot.

8. Chun-Li

Chun-Li is THE original fighting game babe. She's a cutie, but packed inside those monstrous leg-missiles is a 50-hit combo of lightning fast kicks that is waiting to kill you. Say what you want about her muscle-laden legs; I found them quite sexy. It's not just her legs that are powerful; she's also got incredible will-power and plenty of guts for trying to take down the world's most powerful and psychotic man alive (M.Bison). She's an all-round strong woman, and sexy to boot.

7. Samus

Ah, Samus seems to be a favorite on lists like this. Its usually through a stupid bias, her being a classic video game girl and the whole "whoa she's a girl?!" thing that occured 20 somewhat years ago; so don't complain that she's not higher on the list. So of course, she gets the credit for being the tough-ass space warrior that she is, using her suit of mass destruction to take down space pirates and keep a dangerous race of parasite aliens under control. When she finally came out of the suit with her "zero-suit" on, we got a taste of her curves, which were much better than expected. Samus is definitely a classic when it comes to video game girls.

6. Ada Wong

Ada Wong is what you would call a femme fatale. Though she didn't seem like much in her Resident Evil 2 appearance, her appearance was upped several notches in Resident Evil 4. Working as an agent for Wesker, Ada randomly pops up here and there to help Leon. She's no stranger to the gun, and her fighting abilities make her as sexy as she is deadly. Though of course, her most eye-catching feature are her legs, sexing it up through the cut of her dress. She could probably make you do whatever she wanted you to do, though you'll probably end up with something stolen or just dead.

5. Judith

The pointy-eared babe of Tales of Vesperia, Judith is a member of the Kritya tribe. She's really overlooked when it comes to video game girls, though I guess the Tales games are a sort of niche series in the U.S. anyway. Her skimpy outfit is quite stylish, and her blue hair is really eye-catching. Her figure is also not exaggerated; its more of an average, much younger build. I think that's what I like about her design. She's also a formidable dragon rider, and has plenty of spunk. Judith is an all-round JRPG hottie.

4. Alisa Bosconovitch

Though she's a very recent addition to the Tekken roster, she immediately marked her place as the Tekken babe. I was drawn by her appearance, but I found her moves to fit my playing style and she became my regular in Tekken 6. She's a perfect combination of cute-as-a-button and sexy, with some great extra costumes showing off her curves. All that pink and her cutesy voice may seem a bit too much, but of course, she happens to be a killing machine. She's actually a battle android with the ability to fly with jet thrusters all over her body. She can also pull saws out of her arms and shoot her arms like missiles. Of course, the most interesting aspect of her robotic body is the ability to take her head off and have it explode like a bomb. All her limbs immediately zap back when they come off, so no worries there. She's the perfect eye-candy for Tekken, which was turning into a bit of a sausage-fest...

3. Yuna

A favorite of mine from Final Fantasy X, Yuna is a beauty in every aspect of the word. Her appearance in the original game was that of a very determined, innocent girl. There isn't much to comment on body-wise, but her face is beautifully rendered with a round face, a small button nose, and shining blue-green eyes. Her character had incredible will-power, willing to risk her life to save all of Spira as a summoner. Impeccable manners and a soft-spoken demeanor makes her a perfect wife. Even though her personality had a sudden change in X-2, she still remained the kind-hearted heroine of Spira.

2. Mai Shiranui

Mai Shiranui is sort of a pioneer of the big-breasted, scantily-clad video game babe, if that makes any sense to you. Originally appearing way back in the first Fatal Fury game, Mai caught the attention of every sexually-frustrated gamer in her consecutive appearances in the King of Fighters series. Her claim to fame was the free-form bouncing of her enormous chest-balloons, which they even incorporated into her regular fighting stance sprite. Without all the bounce, she might not have been on this list at all. Thanks to boobies, minimal clothing, and major kickassery, Mai is one of the classic hotties of video games.

1. Tifa Lockheart

And finally, my number one. Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII is the definition of sexy. Like a few of the other girls on this list, Tifa's greatest feature is her ample chest. Couple a slender waist with an equally impossible set of legs complimented by her "too-short-to-be-true" mini-skirt, and you've got a goddess-like figure. Of course, when Advent Children came out, we were also treated to an unbelievably beautiful face as well; something that just couldn't occur in real life. Her looks aside, she's also a fighter and capable of kicking ass in unarmed combat. She is always optimistic, keeping her crew's spirits up at all times. Cloud was an idiot to ignore her all those years; she's much better than Aerith in my opinion.

Honorable Mentions 

Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2, Jill Valentine from Resident Evil, Trish from Devil May Cry, and Rachel from Ninja Gaiden.

There are a lot of reasons why I didn't put a lot of popular characters on my list. First of all, this list was basically a compilation of my personal tastes, and I tend to have a taste for the cute Asian type (mostly because I'm Asian). That is why characters like Lara Croft, Rayne, and Trish just don't appeal to me as much. In the case of Alyx Vance; she's only on people's lists because she was in Half-Life 2, she has no visual appeal and quite honestly, I think she looks like a man. There you go in case you were wondering where your favorites were.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Hello Lurkers

Well, I've been running this blog for about a year now, and I'm getting a steady rate of visitors and returning visitors (though I plan on seeing an increase of course). Thing is, people rarely leave comments. What I enjoy more than anything is getting feedback from people who read my posts, so I'm going to try a little something here.

Not a Zerg Lurker. Lurkers are people who silently read the content and don't contribute. 

For those of you who have read the posts on my blog and/or are returning visitors, tell me a little bit about yourselves! How did you end up on the blog, and peaks your interest? Is it Gundam, gunpla modeling, video games, etc? And are the top 5 lists a good format for the majority of my posts? Blah blah, you know what to do.

I read somewhere that only about 10 percent of lurkers actually seek to contribute anything, and only 1 percent of that 10 contributes regularly. I want that 10 percent to contribute a lot, so I'm gonna just try to rile you guys up a bit. Though I'm afraid no ones gonna contribute to this either...

Well, have it you lurkers.

Friday, January 01, 2010

January 1, 2010

I really hate these inane celebrations but...Happy New Year! It's 1am, an hour after the official start of the new millennial decade. Twenty ten sure sounds futuristic doesn't it? Can't wait til it gets to four digits, like twenty thirteen. Anyway, I'm about to recap my 2009 so bare with me for a minute or two.

A lot of significant things happened in my life in 2009; some bad and some good, but all worthwhile. Thinking back, this may have been one of my more event-filled years during my teenage life. I started my year right where I left off during the winter of 2008; in an alternative high school for kids they don't think belong in a "traditional school setting". Most of you aren't aware of this, but some pretty unlucky circumstances landed me in this horrible setting for a few months. Looking back, I'm amazed at how well I endured those cold winter months in that run-down catholic parish. Honestly though, it wasn't all that bad. The kids were troubled and unmotivated, but they certainly weren't out of control; in fact they were pretty friendly people. They were just teenagers after all.

The only thing keeping me down was my yearning to return to my original high school, where I had already spent my freshman, sophomore, and junior years at. Friends constantly asked when I would return, and I constantly questioned the board of education so I could find out if I could return any time soon.Surely enough, after several letters and numerous visits to a psychiatrist, who I was recommended to use for a recommendation letter, I received a faithful call from the Superintendent of my school system. I was finally headed back to my original school. This was in the middle of the school day, so I ended up telling everyone at the alternative school. To my surprise, everybody there congratulated me and said their farewells. That confirmed to me that they really were normal kids who really just deserved more attention.

To this day, I still resent the school systems for their careless handling of my case. More than anything else, I was morally disappointed at how weak the local school systems were against government powers. They were completely at the mercy of the 'Zero tolerance' policy, and I was their unlucky victim. I guess in the end, the board of education came to their senses and slipped me back through a government blind-spot. Someday, I'll redeem my dignity from the school system, and bring this ill-conceived alternative program some sensible reform. That is a goal I'm looking to see to in my life. I those kids are doing...

All the effort I put into getting myself back to my original school had paid off, and I was going to finish off my senior year in my hometown. I want to take this time to thank my vice principal, Mr.E. It was him who spent a bunch of his time talking to the principal and the superintendent in order to get me back. Without his help, I may not have made it back. Thank you.

Anyway, I had some happy reunions with my school mates, went to prom, had my last night with the class of '09 at an arcade, and graduated. I turned 18 a little after that, and had an incredibly boring summer. I think most of my summer was spent just preparing my mind for college. I still remember how nervous I was about moving away from home and going to college. Looking back, I'm pretty surprised at how well I transitioned into college life. My first semester at college was great; workload was minimal at best and I made some incredible friends. I was never the type to hang around with a group of friends because throughout high school, I had a best friend whom I hung out with almost all of the time. College was a plethora of new experiences for me. Hopefully, this can continue for the years to come.

I don't do resolutions because I'm a lazy asshole, but I just hope I figure myself out this year. What I mean by that is, I want to find out what my true passions are. A lot of people have dreams and plans for their futures, but I still don't fully see my future. I think my passions are in little pieces, and 2010 is the year for me to put them together. During 2009, I found that my greatest academic ability was writing. Writing is how I spend my free time, and how I express my beliefs. I guess that is how I honed my abilities. That was just a recent realization, but since childhood I have had a thing for comedy. I spent much of my childhood drawing comics, and it became something I identified myself with. With a combination of both, I would probably enjoy getting into writing for television or animation. Just a thought though...

I'm probably boring you with my life story here, so I'll just end on this note: don't make resolutions if you aren't going to fulfill them. Assholes.